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Citan said:
slowmo said:
I finally realise what Citan believes now, he thinks a good story must be a derivavtive of other stories and include references to other works.....

Honestly Citan you're not helping yourself here, a good story should be able to stand on its own two feet. A game is designed to be played by the masses (or it usually is for business reasons), when you look upon a story in this regard it should be accessible to most individuals without them having a requirement of the supposed deep psycological undertones.

A game like Braid had practically no story yet is more thought provoking than any JRPG or WRPG imo, this is why the basic premise of a story having to be complex or deep to be considered great is stupid. You're playing games, not some lecture on the human condition, sure its easy to put talking points in your game for cheap headlines but that doesn't guarantee a great result.

Mass Effects story is very good because despite the non linear play of the game and the multiple outcomes for the story it actually feels almost seemless. At one point in the game you have the choice to commit genocide on a species, if thats not a thought provoking topic enough for you then I don;t know what is. Genocide is considered one of the most hideous crimes to most humans yet this game actually seriously challenges you to consider the option, might I add in my experience I seriously considered the ramifications at the time.

I maybe should have posted more politely in this regard earlier but I do not take accusations of being not "well read" as being particularly complimentary Citan. Can you not see how your attitude came across as condescending hence my earlier response?

Finally, I honestly meant what I said earlier regarding the JRPG genre becoming stale, if change doesn't happen it will die completely and this is not something I want to happen. JRPG's are becoming a niche market not because gamers don't want the genre, it's becomes the games are becoming predicatable to the majority of gamers.

I just learned that me have an intertekstual refernce to shakespear, so there goes one of your arguments.

A story can`t stand on it`s own. A story alwyas use something from a different story. Always.

Still I haven`t said that me have a bad story. I said that Xenosaga is way beyon.

Let`s agree that thought provoking is good for the story, shall we?


Actually Citan, slowmo is a 100% correct. I don't know if ME has any references to Shakespeare, I was using that as an example. 

What are you looking at, nerd?