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Citan said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Citan said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Citan said:
Jereel Hunter said:

I will comment one thing; The word retard. It`s hard to take you seriously when you say Jrpg`s are retarded. Retard is a typical english word used to comment something that`s different. And people that`s scared of something that`s different fails to get my attention....end

It wasn't meant as a real insult. I don't actually think that of JRPGs -  It was my way of making fun of the fact that he can't understand someone being offended by an insult.

The question is: What am I insulting? People who have wrpg`s as a religon?

You are insulting the developers of WRPGs like Mass Effect who's games have every bit as much "soul" and artistic merit as anything classed a JRPG, and in turn, their fans.

Guess this is not having more soul and artistic merit than wrpg`s then:

Yes, it`s comparable. Just read the whole text and you might understand what I mean. I can be of help if you don`t :)

No, it's not. Soul is about originality, when an entire genre has so many basic aspects that are duplicated in all of them, it eventually loses its soul, and artistic merit points as well. And it's arrogant to assume that because one prefers this art style, that it it somehow superior(particularly when EVERYONE uses the style). Using your example of WoW, it earns more points for original art style than most JRPGs. If you look at the game, you can walk into a random empty house and look at a table, and the table has designs carved in it. Why? Everything in WoW has a distinctive art style. In fact, it's a beautiful game without matchign the graphical capabilities of most current games. It's style goes beyond it's graphical appearance quite substantially.

And don't get me started on the artful creation of Mass Effect. It was a labor of love that truely shines. You can just call up the codex and read articles on things that aren't even involved in the game. A truely immersive masterpeice WITHOUT the rails.