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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rockstar Develops Agent Exclusively Out of Confidence in PlayStation

HOW can people BASH R* NORTHS NEW game

Thats like undermining MIYAMOTO's Next New IP or BUNGIE's next New IP

I don't like to accuse, but the FACT its a PS3 exclusive has HIT Some people BADLY!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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lol if anyone believes that this game will come out before 2011 - good luck. they didn't even had a single artwork or CGI teaser for E3 so we have atleast another 1.5 year to see first teaser, another 6-8months to see trailer and another few months to see first gameplay.

darthdevidem01 said:

HOW can people BASH R* NORTHS NEW game

Thats like undermining MIYAMOTO's Next New IP or BUNGIE's next New IP

I don't like to accuse, but the FACT its a PS3 exclusive has HIT Some people BADLY!

I have read through the whole thread and didn't notice anyone bashing the game...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

HOW can people BASH R* NORTHS NEW game

Thats like undermining MIYAMOTO's Next New IP or BUNGIE's next New IP

I don't like to accuse, but the FACT its a PS3 exclusive has HIT Some people BADLY!

I have read through the whole thread and didn't notice anyone bashing the game...


Yeah, I haven't either. I have seen two or three people complaining about non-existant bashing, though.

forevercloud3000 said:
You know people, sometimes there ARE better incentives then deniro to do something. MGS4 was exclusive to PS3 for the Idea of utilizing the PS3's power alone. Kojima KEPT it exclusive for this reason and for good will alone.

Now I know we have seen quite a few times now exclusivity become engulfed by the mighty dollar and in turn go MP. Yet MGS4 has proven a possibility for the alternative for 3rd parties.

And exclusive games get more media buzz anyway.


And why does that only apply to the Playstation consoles??

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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gebx said:
forevercloud3000 said:
You know people, sometimes there ARE better incentives then deniro to do something. MGS4 was exclusive to PS3 for the Idea of utilizing the PS3's power alone. Kojima KEPT it exclusive for this reason and for good will alone.

Now I know we have seen quite a few times now exclusivity become engulfed by the mighty dollar and in turn go MP. Yet MGS4 has proven a possibility for the alternative for 3rd parties.

And exclusive games get more media buzz anyway.


And why does that only apply to the Playstation consoles??

Sony has created a lost generation of children with 'untapped potential'.


gebx said:
forevercloud3000 said:
You know people, sometimes there ARE better incentives then deniro to do something. MGS4 was exclusive to PS3 for the Idea of utilizing the PS3's power alone. Kojima KEPT it exclusive for this reason and for good will alone.

Now I know we have seen quite a few times now exclusivity become engulfed by the mighty dollar and in turn go MP. Yet MGS4 has proven a possibility for the alternative for 3rd parties.

And exclusive games get more media buzz anyway.


And why does that only apply to the Playstation consoles??

it doesn't. Gears of War much(although MS might have thrown in some added security because they know.....MS...)




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

^ Maybe the "only possible on PS3" argument is true.

Of course it is true. Only people in denial say it isn't........




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

CGI-Quality said:
badgenome said:
NJ5 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

HOW can people BASH R* NORTHS NEW game

Thats like undermining MIYAMOTO's Next New IP or BUNGIE's next New IP

I don't like to accuse, but the FACT its a PS3 exclusive has HIT Some people BADLY!

I have read through the whole thread and didn't notice anyone bashing the game...


Yeah, I haven't either. I have seen two or three people complaining about non-existant bashing, though.

There are people bashing the notion of why it's PS3 exclusive. If you missed that, re-read the thread. I think you know what darth was talking about. It may not be bashing the game specifically, but it's a negative tone towards a game they haven't seen yet.

Talks of delays, how it's stupid to be PS3 exclusive etc, etc...... What I find hysterical is R* is ACTUALLY still making a PS3 exclusive when people doubted that they were.

You are a wise fellow

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey