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Forums - Gaming Discussion - According to Kojima, neither of the newly announced MGS games are spinoffs

I still think Rising is a spinoff, and Peace Walker is a sequel to MGS3. Neither are the true MGS5

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AkibaFan said:
but what about the actual MGS5

snakes final journey?

I believe that was MGS4


If Peace Walker doesn't count then ur saying MGS3 doesn't count either

MGS PW is a big part of the MGS

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How can people argue with this? The creator of the franchise has said that both games together are MGS5. It's that simple.

It's also so due to logic...

Peace Walker was so much more epic though. Probably the future successor to Snake Eater, the best MGS ever.

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I think Rising is a spin-off by Konami, but I still wanna play as Cyborg Raiden.

Kojima knows that there are some weak people in the world who will freak out if metal gear solid is released on anything but their preferred platform, but because of other defects, they will calm down if there are some suggestions that Kojima is making his first rate metal gear game for the tiny portable system.  So Kojima made those suggestions.  It is amazing to me how some people can put so much stock into a few words when the actions say quite the opposite.

And the PSP version will probably be every bit as awesome as portable ops was.


but he isn't dead

I wanna be with him till the day he dies like otacon n sunny

Well, Kojima is only directing PeaceWalker... so that one is the true add on to the series.

Rising is like a bastard child.


nen-suer said:

If Peace Walker doesn't count then ur saying MGS3 doesn't count either

MGS PW is a big part of the MGS

First off,  I never said it doesnt count,  Peace Walker like Rising is just not MGS5.  But of course MGS3 counts,  cause even without Peace Walker, the story is still important. I mean without MGS3, parts of MGS4 make no sense.  But anyone who played MGS4 obviously got by without even knowing about Peace Walker.    So I would I say Peace Walker is not a big part of the MGS story, but its still important, just more for a back story purpore like a prequel.