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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIV - (PC,PS3) simultaneous release worldwide in 2010

   By the way guys: when I wrote "simultaneous release worldwide" - I emphasized the fact that it's going to release simultaneously in all three regions (US, EU, JP) and will be available in 4 different languages, not the fact that it releases simulteneously on PS3 and PC.

   Seems like it went kind of unnoticed. Too bad, it's gonna be the 1st mainline FF to release on the same day globally.

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I thought the Sony guy was going senile when he started talking about FF XIV right after the FF XIII. But when I heard MMO I just kind of laughed

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Rei said:
Now the question is why are they ditching X360, considering that they have already ported FFXI to it.

surely it has to do with server side requierements and the limitation MS put on XBL

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

All in all...FFXIV should last many many hours. I mean..if a normal FF can take like 40-80 hours to finish...Imagine a MMO FF.

Limitation? I don't understand. I thought you could play FFXI on a silver membership?

If it ever does go to 360 and you need a gold, then wow I feel bad for you.

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well I know some people that have been playing FFXI since beta.. thats like 7+ years.. and they still not done everything because SE still produce updates and new quests

and to your question FFXI for 360 can be played on Silver and so to does Phantasy Star Universe so I don't see why if XIV does appear why it should require gold to play


Dynamis time!


might wanna check this link:


Skeeuk said:
has anyone ever tried to play ff online on 360? its a pain in the ass with all the client downloading and multiple sign ins.

this will work perfectly on ps3, and its great that ps3 has another great eclusive to look forward to.

I hate to burst your bubble, but just because it is on the PS3 doesn't change the fact that you will have to sign in to PSN and then into the Square system they setup for the game.

Also, to whoever posted that MMO on 360 = fail:

MMO on any console = fail.  FFXI barely survived this long and that was after it spanned PS2, Xbox 360, PC, and now supposedly coming to PS3 as well.  All to barely scrounge up about 500,000 daily active players and 2 million active accounts.

I guess it is a good thing I took the time to finally build a new PC a few months ago so I can play FFXIII on 360 and then the best version of FFXIV on PC!  Woot!

Final Fantasy XI is not a failure to SE, the game cost around 20 Million USD curreny to create. So the game was profitable in 5 years after launch, and since then it has been nothing but profit. How in any way does that mean fail?

500,000 Subscribers with 2,000,000 active characters at the moment.

That means they are making no less than 6,475,000 a MONTH. And thats only saying they have 1 character per account. Which isn't true due to there being 2 Million characters active. They get an extra dollar per character on content IDs.

actually its quite convenient. FFXI didn't allow you to run other programes in the background in the I don't know if you can use VENT

With 360 you can use XBL party chat to talk to your party members

This is really needed in areas of Nyzul Tower runs and assault/beseiged and any boss fights rather than having to type everything up because while you are fighting everything that you do, enemy hits, party effects etc just scroll up the party chat so its really easy to miss what the party has typed..or able to type fast and you need to do a lot of customisation with chat filters. plus FFXI feels more natural with a joypad since you dont use mouse at all.

Zezlar said:
Final Fantasy XI is not a failure to SE, the game cost around 20 Million USD curreny to create. So the game was profitable in 5 years after launch, and since then it has been nothing but profit. How in any way does that mean fail?

500,000 Subscribers with 2,000,000 active characters at the moment.

That means they are making no less than 6,475,000 a MONTH. And thats only saying they have 1 character per account. Which isn't true due to there being 2 Million characters active. They get an extra dollar per character on content IDs.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize updates, patches, servers and maintenance, had no development cost.... =/