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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIV - (PC,PS3) simultaneous release worldwide in 2010

Not for me. I am glad PS3 got a new exclusive, but Final Fantasy is apart of my life. Would die without it ; ; Lol.

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FF XIV will sell over 10 million on the PS3

Sony rules the world. FF

It's all about the game.

Anyone who has played an MMO then says something like "It will be best on PS3", has no idea.

MMO's are much better on Windows simply because they have the ability to be tweaked, things can be upgraded and changed. The graphics will improve as technology improves. The controls have always been mouse reliant with a keyboard etc etc.
Console MMO's are probably never going to take off unless the control system is revolutionised to a point where it is easy to navigate.

This game is way off in the future and is not a PS3 exclusive, it says "On the Windows platform". WHich to me means no mac. So as someone else mentioned Microsoft probably didn't want it to go to the 360 at least not now. They have so many damn MMo's in the works that it could be overkill, lets not forget APB.

Me personally i am a huge Final Fantasy fan however the last incarnation of the series for online was truely awful in comparison to other games of the same genre. I think this game will just fall by the way side as Blizzard announce their new MMO at Blizzcon and BioWare get close to releasing a MMO with the words "Star Wars" in its title. It will be just another MMO in a sea of MMO's.

So the PC also gets the big surprise 'exclusive' title from Sony's keynote. (FFXIV)
The big 'exclusive' games from the MS 360 keynote (Splinter Cell Conviction, L4D2, Alan Wake) and the big surprise title. (MGS Rising)

The only system to get both the Monkey Island remake and the new episodic Monkey Islands.

APB is exclusive for now. The Sim 3, The Old Republic, the Agency, DC Universe, Starcraft2, Diablo 3.

PC wins E3 without even having a keynote!

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Awesome. I Can't Wait To Play This On The PC.

Sorry what I meant to say was that most people don't have a high-end PC so it would be better for them. Obviously mostly ALL games are always better on PC. So if you have a PS3 it's easier and cheaper.

i dont understand the hate ppl have for ff11 online it was a great game and a awesome mmorpg and the only way i will play a mmorpg, i hate wow and others on the pc, mainly cause i hate using a mouse and a keyboard to type. ff11 online u can use the controler to play and the keyboard to talk and emotes , and thats all i need. i will get this game and so will everyone in my linkshell on ramuh server, so square-enix has already 85 ppl confirmed getting this on the ps3. :) going 4+yrs strong on the ps2 ( ff11 online )





It's Still exclusive on Consoles though, i hate it when people say its not exclusive, but when infact if you own consoles only and no/weak PC/Mac you might aswell say its exclusive.

Nice news though.

habiblee112 said:
Its probably better on the PS3 than the PC due to the power of the CEll. Think about it


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