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I guess we'll see who won come the holiday 09 season.

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

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really cant say many good games i think sony really focused on the psp and the announcement of gt psp was a shock since i thought that would be coming after gt 5( bit gutted by no release date on trailer hopefully here more about it at tgs or lepzig), also gutted about god of war 3 slipping however uncharted 2 looked amazing well done for naughty dog then modnation looked awesome it could be better than lbp. 8/10

microsoft had a great line up of games although many we already heard about looking forward to here more about halo reach and mgs rising(cheekly let us believe it was exclusive points lost for that) 7.5/10

nintendo best new first party announcements with new super mario bros wii, mario galaxy 2 although metroid other M is dissapointing since its going to feel like ryu hybusa in a new costume lol 7/10

AE86 said:

In my opinion;

Microsoft= 6/10

Nintendo= 7.5/10

Sony= 8/10

Microsoft= 8.5/10

Nintendo= 7.5/10

Sony= 7/10

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

Gamepro said MS won. No point in argue really. I mean these are the pros.

Nintendo... I almost fell asleep for Sony's...

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MS 9/10

Sony 8/10

Nintendo 6/10


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

FKNetwork said:
Skeeuk said:
it was clearly sony.

others fans are just heavily pissed now so they will rant and rave. rant and rave all you want.

they wanted sony conference to fail but it didnt.

uncharted 2 - mag - god of war - gt5 - trico - mod racers - new r* ps3 exclusive - ff14 online ps3 exclusive.

not to mention many other games some out this year like sigma 2 - white knight - demon souls - heavy rain.

im so glad i have a ps3. uncharted 2 looks to have amoungst the best grafix this gen.

Errm no lol,

If I thought the sony conference was good why would I be selling my PS3? apart from unchartered 2 and that funny racing game there was nothing from sony that impressed me and the motion control was a complete joke lol

We already knew about 99.9% of those ps3 games, the psp lineup was very impressive though, just a shame the ps3's was rather poor compared to 360's and wii's,

Sony damage control in full swing......

LOL? so because your selling your ps3 sony lost E3? what makes you so special that your opinion = all ppl should agree with you? ohh w8 I think I have a xbot syndrome.

Lets see,  All companies announced sequals so that takes care or franchise and core gamers.  All annouced atleast something similar to what I like to play or have been playing that I may purchase. Oh!  The companies with HD who are not in the lead announced "Let copy ~whispers~ Nintendo, what thier doing (motion control / immersion control) So the want to be's can either play Catch up or offer much of what the other guy has.  Phbbbbt!!!  GAMERS WON!!! Success to all!!!

As a Nintendo fan/owner I ranked it as follows

1. Microsoft
Their conference was non stop, there wasn't any stage where I was bored, except maybe the Facebook/Twitter/ content, but at the same time I think it's good that they focus on more than just gaming. I think the main reason I give them the win is based on the fact that out of nowhere they've got the biggest exclusive lineup for the rest of 2009. They had plenty of content for this holiday with L4D2, Splinter Cell, Forza 3 & ODST plus exclusive DLC for MW2, that's all pretty impressive. There was still plenty left for 2010 as well with Halo:Reach, Crackdown 2 & Alan Wake.

2. Nintendo
As a Wii owner, Nintendo had most of the titles I was interested in or will look to buy, however their shorter conference was still a 50% borefest. The sequel to one of the best games ever in SMG2, another NSMB, plus Metroid: Other M and later at E3 announcing Zelda Wii.  That's 4 massive titles, but unfortunately 3 of the 4 won't be out til 2010, hopefully the Wii Motion Plus titles will last me until then. Red Steel 2 looks pretty cool.

3. Sony
First of all I found their keynote the most boring of all. As far as I'm concerned Sony just proved that there's no real point in owning a PS3 until 2010, hopefully there will be a price cut before then to make it worthwhile. I guess Sony's domination is delayed for the 3rd year in a row. 2010 looks huge, however 2009 doesn't, owning a PS3 must be character building with all that waiting. FF14 was announced exclusive but SE & MS both announced afterwards that it's not. GT5 is still not given a release date and we know it won't be clashing with GTPSP's release, plus given no live gameplay was shown it could even be xmas 2010 before we see it outside of Japan. Agent only had a logo shown and I've read that it's also unlikely to be exclusive after all. GOW3 looks great but lets see it with a fixed release date first. Uncharted 2 looks awesome and MAG has a lot of potential. PSPGo is ridiculously over priced, I guess they need to turn a profit some how and what better way than ripping off early adopters. I know I've focused on a lot of the negatives here, overall it was closer than I've probably detailed here, however I just found Sony's was definitely the weaker of the three.

I know I've ignored a lot of handheld content and the Sony/MS motion controls, but both subjects mean little to me. Sony's PSP content was stronger than Nintendo's in fact I found Sony's keynote to be focussed on 2009 PSP content but 2010 PS3 content so maybe that affected my ratings. On the other hand, I thought Natal looked more polished and more of a differentiator compared to the Sony wands that looked like roll on deodorant sticks.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

I feel

Nintendo - 7/10
Mircrosoft - 9/10
Sony - 4/10 (lost MGS R exclusive)