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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 Conference Thread

FKNetwork said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
EaglesEye379 said:
Seriously Im flabbergasted by some of the above comments downplaying this piece of history. I really dont know how Sony or Nintendo can top this. This was absolutely amazing and Project Natal is going to be a benchmark for a lot of things. There was an MGS multiplat and a next Halo.

The only missing elements were RPGs and MMOs.

NATAL will be a glorified eyetoy, maybe 5-6 games will use it, and most of them will be minigames. the games shown were either really lame, or were not shown in any real detail to really care much about, I say Alan Wake was the best, but even it had annoying slow motion garbage

WOW! you really wasn't paying attention was you? they said more than once that ALL existing 360 games WILL also work with the new motion camera, seriously......

Uhm, I think they said that all Xbox360's will work with the camera, not all Xbox360 games...

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Beoulve said:
 Khuutra said:
Beoulve said:
This year's press conference was a huge leap over last year's IMHO.

Really? I don't know if any conference I've ever seen compares to last year's.

Maybe it's because I care more this year, considering the fact that I got an Xbox360 6 months ago. But I felt this year's conference had a bigger overall wow factor. The only thing I basically remember from 2008 was the FFXIII announcement.

That's fair, but that announcement is about all I remember from last year's E3 altogether, so I'd say that's a positive.

Oh yes, and Don Mattrick was incredibly annoying

Khuutra said:
Beoulve said:
 Khuutra said:
Beoulve said:
This year's press conference was a huge leap over last year's IMHO.

Really? I don't know if any conference I've ever seen compares to last year's.

Maybe it's because I care more this year, considering the fact that I got an Xbox360 6 months ago. But I felt this year's conference had a bigger overall wow factor. The only thing I basically remember from 2008 was the FFXIII announcement.

That's fair, but that announcement is about all I remember from last year's E3 altogether, so I'd say that's a positive.

I envy you, because I still can't get that horrible Nintendo conference out of my head...

Munkeh111 said:
Oh yes, and Don Mattrick was incredibly annoying


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Also, people do realize that the Natal does recognize depth, right? That's why it has 3 cameras. It uses them in the same fashion that Nintendo uses the IR receiver to track movement with it's remote. This isn't a glorified Eyetoy.

Khuutra said:
Beoulve said:

Maybe it's because I care more this year, considering the fact that I got an Xbox360 6 months ago. But I felt this year's conference had a bigger overall wow factor. The only thing I basically remember from 2008 was the FFXIII announcement.

That's fair, but that announcement is about all I remember from last year's E3 altogether, so I'd say that's a positive.

Be honest! You also remember the horrible Wii Music demonstration, it's just that like the rest of us you're trying to erase it from your memory.

Signature goes here!

that was a really impressive conference. watched the whole thing and i'm impressed. That was the first conference this generation that has made me think about getting a X360. if that was the aim, then it was pretty successful.

Why? not really because of the games, i wasn't all that impressed with them. they're all prett much x360 versions of what is on or coming to the PS3... although i do want the Gears games. but hey, thats my own opinion.

But Natal?! that is awesome. I mean AWESOME (its in caps, it must be true). they've really put some effort and research into designing that. it is PS-eye++++++ but its everything the PS-eye should have been and Sony never developed.

Microsoft really has been thinking outside the box this time around. they've just totally taken away the whole controller and added so much more. i'm impressed.

Sony has to do something pretty darn impressive to beat that. and if they don't, i think i may consider getting and X360 when Natal comes out.

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Favourite game: Killzone 3

Munkeh111 said:
@ squilliam, sky will only stay in UK/Eire, maybe they will do a deal with a NZ service

Unfortunately, im crying on the inside if thats true! But since we have essentially the same boxes etc theres still hope!

EaglesEye379 said:
More news :

On Demand for Xbox Live will allow full downloads of games just like Steam.


Can't get the pointer down. But ok: This will be massive if its true! I have a fast connection @ 16Mbit.



@Beoulve and Truckosaurus:

Well I remember that NOW. Ugh.