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that was a really impressive conference. watched the whole thing and i'm impressed. That was the first conference this generation that has made me think about getting a X360. if that was the aim, then it was pretty successful.

Why? not really because of the games, i wasn't all that impressed with them. they're all prett much x360 versions of what is on or coming to the PS3... although i do want the Gears games. but hey, thats my own opinion.

But Natal?! that is awesome. I mean AWESOME (its in caps, it must be true). they've really put some effort and research into designing that. it is PS-eye++++++ but its everything the PS-eye should have been and Sony never developed.

Microsoft really has been thinking outside the box this time around. they've just totally taken away the whole controller and added so much more. i'm impressed.

Sony has to do something pretty darn impressive to beat that. and if they don't, i think i may consider getting and X360 when Natal comes out.

Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

Linux Ubuntu user

Favourite game: Killzone 3