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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

infamous8 said:
its not even MGS.

Its MGR. They just use the name MGS to sell and market it.

Its NOT a main title for MGS because:
1) does not have Solid Snake as the main character
2) will not play like the classic MGS titles
3) does not follow the same story as MGS titles

360 fanboys = owned.

You're quickly becoming my favorite poster here. E3 isn't E3 unless someone has a mental breakdown, and I'm happy to see it was you. What's even funnier are the people arguing with you that actually believe they can correct your thinking. Bravo sir. You are a god amongst patients.

To join into the fray and keep this lovely post going, let me answer your questions.

1. MGS 2, MGS 3 and MGS: Portable Ops, 3/5 of the MGS titles do not have Solid Snake as the main character. Considering Raiden has already highlighted a Metal Gear Solid game, there really isn't a legitimate reason to think he can't do it again.

2. Agreed to an extent. Raiden uses a blade primarily so it might play similiar to that later section of MGS2. I did like playing that portion. It was fun. However, if you mean it won't be stealth oriented, that's mere speculation. MGS2 was as stealthy as the rest and Raiden was the star. Also you're basing it off MGS4's Raiden, whom we only see during his fights with Vamp. We don't know if he enacts stealthy infiltration tactics outside of those moments, which would have merely been boss fights if playable, and that is when stealth gets shot to hell in MGS anyways.

3. You do not know this. Raiden's story was the highlight of MGS2 and everyone considers that game canon. Raiden's story is in MGS4 also and that too is considered canon. Frankly I can't stand his fucking story in MGS4, so this game is likely not for me, but that doesn't mean it isn't an important part of the MGS storyline. Let's just be thankful it isn't a Johnny Akiba and Meryl Silverburgh game. I shudder at the thought of that.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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s1lverFoX said:

i registered just to tell this guy he was complete fail

ROTFLMBO X 3.14. Hahaha! This.

+1 for Silverfox

Ok lets say hypothetically that mgs:r is a spin-off.

Kojima still said that every single main series mgs game will make an apperance on the 360 basically voiding your thread title.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

infamous8 said:

Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360


1. Every main MGS title in the past 10 years has been an exclusive release on a PlayStation system.

2. The disc swapping joke, poking fun at 360

3. Kojima even has Snake with the PS3 Siaxis controller in his hand while controlling the Mrk II (360 fanboys obviously dont even know about this considering they asked for a "straight port")

4. The sheer size of the game with the cut scenes, voice overs, and MGO. Would it even fit on 2 360 discs? It would probably take more than that.

5. Kojima has gone on record to say that MGS made its name on PlayStation, and therefore will always be loyal to PlayStation systems.

6. The ports and side stories put onto other consoles (Twin Snakes on GameCube, MGS2: Substance on the original Xbox) have done very poorly in sales. Meanwhile MGS titles always sell around the 4 million+ on PS systems.

7. Kojima is Boss. MGS is by far the biggest title from Konami. Kojima can do whatever he wants. He doesnt have a big wig breathing down his neck forcing him to port anything.

8. Sony never paid for MGS4 to be exclusive. It was solely Kojimas decision.

9. In regards to above, if Kojima still has no plans of releasing MGS4 on 360 after a year of it being on shelves, why would he EVER release it on 360? Porting it, passing it through ESRB ratings, marketing/publishing it, would take atleast a good 6 months. By that time, MGS4 will have been out for a year and a half on Ps3 already.

10. It's obvious through Kojimas latest teasers that he is already focusing on the next MGS game(s), and not on porting MGS4.




So there you have it fanboys. Stop begging for MGS4 on 360. It's not happening. Not now, not ever. If you're lucky, you miiiiight get a half assed VR missions or Substance spin off.

Anyone who sees a thread about MGS on 360 rumors can officially link to this thread. Good night.





Just had to post,and your wrong

^^^^ Can you edit your post without using the word f*cking?

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damndl0ser said:
infamous8 said:
Kojima also openly admits in Famitsu magazine that he's not thrilled about this MGS Rising title.

He says "i wont beg for this to be released, but if its going to be released, there is nothing I can do"

LOL@anyone claiming ownage in this thread.

Come on dude, if this had been a PS3 exclusive you would have been proclaiming that it would be better than naked women and beer.


Go hide somewhere while you eat your crow.

Truth be told, as much as I love gaming, I would never pass up some a naked babe for a video game. If anyone says they would, they should be getting a check from the govment.

@ OP - man, I am loving watching you climb out of this hole you dug for yourself. Haha.

Yeah, well.. I'm allowed to be a sony fanboy considering i own TWO WORKING 360s and except facts for what they are... One in my room, and one right here in the computer room.  PS3 is in the living room.  But, seeing as how I have both systems, I can say whatever I want, and not have to worry about people saying what 360, or PS3 is getting.  Because if I wanted to, I could just get the xbox exclusive, and guess what.  I can STILL play it.

I like PS3 way more than Microsoft, I've grown up with SEGA and Playstation (that's why), and yes, I have two working dreamcasts also (and 2 working Genesis also...) No Saturn.. had one back in '98...  It wouldn't be such a big thing if you had both systems.  You wouldn't even feel the need to have made a tread for no reason bashing.  If your like me, with both systems, you'll just be happy to see games on the PS3, and not use the 360 so much.

I'm not going to make a thread bashing xbox.  I own two, what sense would that make?  And, eventhough I just have one PS3 (no, I'm not getting a second anytime soon) I'm not bashing it either because it's my favorite.  But, at least I can say exactly why I don't like the 360, and not just hate it because it's Sony's competition.  But, I don't own a Wii, and if I ever feel the need to make myself seem as noobish as you, I'll bash it.  Trust me, I hate Wii and Nintendo so much it's stupid.


People wouldn't hate fanboys/girls if they actually owned multiple systems and respected each other for liking whatever system it is they liked.

Poor fanboy, i feel sorry for him.

But war... war never changes

hahahahaha somebody registered just to laugh at this guy lol

"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

Well that didn't go too well for you. Sorry for your loss. :P

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."