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Forums - Sony Discussion - GCN Exclusive: Say hello to the PSP Go - First pics of PSP Go

"The PSP Go is a GREAT test for whether you are a Sony Fanboy. If you defend the unit, think it is awesome and did everything right, you likely are."

this is classic......

so anyone who does not agree with you is a Sony Fanboy?

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

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naznatips said:
hunter_alien said:
Lostplanet22 said:
Brett is going to have a hard time to get now sales numbers of new PSP games.



Yeah, well for Others its not an issues, because that region is terrible innacurate anyways. The only difference will be that if a game is released then the opening will be even lower because of all the gamers whom download the games day 1, and even more PSP SOFTWARE DOOOMDZ threads will apear ;)

Did you ever consider the effects this will have on PSP software sales?

UMDs sell terribly already. So bad that back in 2007 some stores in the US were threatening to stop stocking them. Consider what will happen if a large portion of the already poor sales suddenly goes downloadable. Oops. Suddenly that threat of dropping PSP games becomes real. Retail stock of UMDs will be slim, and smaller games probably won't be stocked at all.

Let's look at another major issue here... pricing. We are looking at a handheld system that will start for at LEAST the Wii retail price. Oh! But wait! It gets worse. Because PSN games never drop in price (unlike good DD services like, say, Steam) you will have to pay full launch retail price ($30-$40) for every PSP game you ever buy. Cost of ownership by that alone more than dobules.


I think the success of this depends 100% on 2 things.  How easy is it to save bought games on a PS3 or PC and transfer them.  The pricing structure of the rental service. 

Will I be able to download on my PC and transfer it that way?  I hope so. 

(hold on, I have to go make surem my PS3 has its ears covered)

PSN and internet browsing are too slow on the PS3.

(I love you, PS3. Kiss,)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

richardhutnik said:
Noobie said:


It appears that Sony fanboys are all drooling over this, but let me point out the issues here as I see them:

1. The analog stick placement looks ackwardly placed.  It is nearly in the middle of the system.

2. There is no UMD.  This means anyone with a current PSP, so why would a person buy this new unit who already has a PSP?  Unlike the DSi, which plays all current DS games, this system doesn't play current PSP games.

3. The screen is left exposed.  The issue of scuffing when not playing is still not resolved.  The DS has the approach where the screen is protected.


On the plus side, the system may end up costing less then the current PSP, and may end up with much better battery life.  Also, load times can stand to be reduced also.


The PSP Go is a GREAT test for whether you are a Sony Fanboy.  If you defend the unit, think it is awesome and did everything right, you likely are.  If you don't see the issues with it, and don't have reservations, you defintely are.  If the said released titles for it get you all goosebumpy, odds are you are a Sony Fanboy.

1- Perhaps it's just looks? Wont really know for sure until people can get their hands on it. It was uncomfortable for my thumb to use the nub on the regular PSP's so I'm not expecting much of an improvement.

2- Not having UMD isn't all bad. In fact, isn't UMD responsible for long load times and lower battery life of the PSP? Seeing as it was also a failure as a movie format, the switch to digital downloads allows them to make the system smaller, increase battery life, and lower load times. Now, will you not be able to play all PSP games because of this? You wont. However, it seems like they plan on making PSP games available for digital downloads so it's possible that they'll bring previously released PSP games to the digital download store on top of releasing new games in this format. I guess the question will really be how many PSP games will they make availalbe for the PSP Go since the older PSP's can already download full games for storage on external memory sticks.

3- Yes that can be an issue.

As for that last part, why offend others with crap like that?

Since this system seems to push more connectivity, I wonder if they will expand PSN accounts to the PSP. They won't have the hacking problems they have with the current PSP's. Which was keeping trophies off the system. So with that more under control. They could actually do trophies now. But that would alienate non-Go owners. Because they could only unlocked on Go.

Outside of the obvious Sony fans or people who never owned a PSP, the response on the Internet seems to be overwhelmingly bad. Hopefully the public doesn't feel the same way. It's gonna be interesting cause I work at a major retail chain and I'm going to have to tell a lot of people that they have to download all their games and they are gonna be like "Wtf?".

It's just that simple.

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unless they can get 100% of the PSP library on the PSN.

not having a UMD it's a big mistake sony!.

well while i can get my games UMD for the PSP 2000 i have.

PSP Go can't be as expensive at a console, unless th wii drops the price to 199$ like it should of while now.

and it looks they are going to keep selling UMD version for a while, so sales won't get damaged much for while.

EDIT: IT looks like the box have similar design the PS3 slim, ps3 slim it's real!!!!!!!

but as rumors say it may not show at the E3 if it does, don't except a price cut.

In regards to this comment about a second analog stick, let me comment on a few things: 1. The Genesis, during its lifespan, introduced a new controller that had 6 buttons for it. There was an option provided for games with 3 or 6 buttons. 2. The original Playstation added analog sticks at the bottom. Again, as time went on, the option to support both controllers are there. 3. How exactly does dropping the UMD NOT alienate the current base? It does. The reality is that a second analog stick would help out a LOT here with 3D shooting games, and other 3D games. It appears that Sony fanboys are all drooling over this, but let me point out the issues here as I see them: 1. The analog stick placement looks ackwardly placed. It is nearly in the middle of the system. 2. There is no UMD. This means anyone with a current PSP, so why would a person buy this new unit who already has a PSP? Unlike the DSi, which plays all current DS games, this system doesn't play current PSP games. 3. The screen is left exposed. The issue of scuffing when not playing is still not resolved. The DS has the approach where the screen is protected. On the plus side, the system may end up costing less then the current PSP, and may end up with much better battery life. Also, load times can stand to be reduced also. The PSP Go is a GREAT test for whether you are a Sony Fanboy. If you defend the unit, think it is awesome and did everything right, you likely are. If you don't see the issues with it, and don't have reservations, you defintely are. If the said released titles for it get you all goosebumpy, odds are you are a Sony Fanboy.



So let me comment on few things!!! cannot compare handhelds to home consoles......if sony introduced a second analog stick on psp ,and you wanted to play the games that support it you would have to buy the console again(a 170$ buy).If a home console introduces a change in the controller you just have to buy the controller(a 20$-40$)

2.psp go doenst want existing psp users to upgrade to it.....just approach a new audience,those who prefer digital downloads over physical distribution.Existing psp-1000/2000/3000 arent left out since when buying a psp they knew that the would have to buy umds to play the games,and still they have access to digital downloads and  are able to buy umd since umds  are not discontinued....

3.psp go is not an upgrade similar to psp 1000->2000->3000 or ds phat->lite->dsi.  Its a whole new product targeted in another segment of the market,positioned to co-exist with current psp-3000. think a lot of people care about if the screen is exposed??? gameboy/gameboy advance/iphone/ipod/90% of current mobile phones say hi!!!........only laptops,a small number of mobile phones ,portable dvd players and ds use the clamshell design....thats why there are cases to protect the handhelds not only the screen but the actual handheld from water,dust,drops etc....

5.anyone who actually likes it is a sony fanboy?????/well that is going to prove that a lot of people are sony fanboys......cause a lot will like it!!!!

REVERSING your comment anyone who doesnt see the potential and the true position of the psp go is a sony hater!!!!


I'm guessing that every game will be available online through a portal like So you won't need a ps3, or another psp, but every pspgo will come with a cord for the computer hookup. That's what I'm guessing.

Or think about this, a stand at your gamestop or walmart. You connect using your psp via wire or network and download the game from there in less than a minute.

@theprof00: I think Sony download stations would be a good idea.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Several people are saying It's going to be $199 now.

It's just that simple.