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Forums - Gaming Discussion - JRPG's are to easy - Heres 5 reasons why

        I am a JRPG junkie, its hands down my favorite Genre and nothing comes to touching it. over the years of playing them ive become a pro my skill has grown so much that i can breeze through them with ever dying...once. its hard finding a challenging JRPG to play so im wondering am i getting  to good or or they becomming to easy? im starting to believe that latter. So after thinking about it getting a extra push from the Last remnant is too hard thread i think i have come up with 5 reasons why JRPG"s have become too easy.

5. RETRY'S - This only comes in at #5 becuase it doesnt happen in alot of games but if it did it would easily be number one. This is when you lose a battle you have the chance of retrying the battle from the beginning with a minor( or sometimes no penalty) like losing a item or a few XP points...this is absurd, you need to take punishment for your actions. if you decide to unleash your special instead of healing a ally, or a boss is about to release his special and you dont prepare for it and that results in you getting wiped out thats your fault for not strategizing better and retry from the beginning of the battle is hardly a punishment.

4. CONVIENT SAVE POINTS - ugh...A save point in the  beginning, middle, and end..I hate that. I loved DQ series becuase you cant save anywhere but towns, so you have to make sure are fully prepared before you go..more JRPG's should do this and if the have to have a save point put one in the middle of the dungeon thats it..and lets not forget save points that heal you, you have all those items and magic make them use them dont do the healing for them!!! there there for a reason.

3. TOO MUCH MONEY - you ever wanted to be Bill Gates??? well most JRPG's let you. Seriously do the enemies need to drop half a half a mill per battle? in the old school JRPG's money was hard to come buy when you entered a shop you couldnt outfit every charcter with new items, you had to pick and choose between who needed and who can get by, not to mention buying healing supplies which could be expensive too. In this spoling age you can make enough money in the beginning to last a the whole game..give reasonable amount of mony plz.

2. POWER LEVELING - This goes hand in hand with money, too much XP is been given to the point you can spend a couple hours power leveling and be good for a few chapters breezing by those suppossed bosses. PLing takes away all challenge in the game and makes it even worse when the game is already easy to begin with. I cant tell you how many JRPG's do this nowadays is they want PLing they better put some equally powerful bosses and foes in.

1. DITCHING RANDOM ENCOUNTERS - IMO..this is the worst offence that has ever happened in a JRPG..this is the ultimate spoiling players the option to avoid the only obsticle other than bosses in a RPG the enemies..WTF..what if i made a fighting game where you could just skip the fights till you got to the last one? how about a FPS where you didnt have shoot anything if you didnt want to? or Ninja Gaiden where you could just run throw the zone if you didnt feel like fighting or it was too hard for you woul you like that..of course you wouldnt so why is it fine in a RPG. RE give a feeling of tension..your low on health, very few items and you need to make it to that save point or it could be the end of you..I love that feeling..but in the see your enemy crap you can  just run straight by all the obsticles blocking your path..that is ridicolous..RPG's have so little obsticles dont take the most important away. i mean this takes away a part of the game...what if in mario instead of doing all the platforming and enemy busting you can just press a button and a magic rainbow guides mario to the finnish. this need s to stop or a the see your enemy thing need to be worked out alot better.

So what do guys you agree or disagree..and if you want to add anything be my guess DISCUSS

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Strange I feel the exact opposite on those five things...

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Disagree. While without a doubt games are easier than before, that doesn't mean that RPGs are a breeze now. While it's true that there are very easy JRPGs, there are a lot that strike the perfect difficulty, not impossible, not easy (Persona, Xenosaga, FF12, Star Ocean 3). They ensure you'll die a couple of times, but they never feel impossible.

Honestly, what good is a game if it requires a 5-hour grind to win, or if you might have been traversing a dungeon for 2 hours just to die because there's no save? That's no challenge, that's cheap and obsolete design (see DQ8, for example)

Xxain said:

5. RETRY'S - 





5 & 4:  You're not making the game more or less challenging by adding these.  You're reducing tedium.

3 & 2:  Old RPGs required you to spend countless hours fighting the same enemies over and over to afford items and allow you to survive the next area.  This didn't make the game more fun, it simply made it longer.  Out of all the things you can do in a jRPG, grinding the same enemies over and over is quite possible the least fun thing you can do.

1:  Personal preference thing.  I don't care either way.

Star Ocean 3 was only difficult in the optional dugeons, the main game went Easy-medium, Xenogears was only hard because of a few bosses with auto kill moves or your GEAR running out of fuel..AND FF12 was the biggest FF breeze through ever especially if your really good at connecting Finishers though the optional bosses were tough, but there optional so the average gamer wont bother

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zexen_lowe said:
Disagree. While without a doubt games are easier than before, that doesn't mean that RPGs are a breeze now. While it's true that there are very easy JRPGs, there are a lot that strike the perfect difficulty, not impossible, not easy (Persona, Xenosaga, FF12, Star Ocean 3). They ensure you'll die a couple of times, but they never feel impossible.

Honestly, what good is a game if it requires a 5-hour grind to win, or if you might have been traversing a dungeon for 2 hours just to die because there's no save? That's no challenge, that's cheap and obsolete design (see DQ8, for example)



Got to agree with this post.

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"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

Xenosaga, not Xenogears. And I can't believe you call FF12 the biggest FF breeze ever, specially considering most FFs are rather easy. FF12, though, I have to admit, had an uneven difficulty, the start was very hard, then when you got the quickenings it was pretty much mild and the end it was challenging again

Ugh if they did that i would never play a jrpg agina!!

zexen_lowe said:
Xenosaga, not Xenogears. And I can't believe you call FF12 the biggest FF breeze ever, specially considering most FFs are rather easy. FF12, though, I have to admit, had an uneven difficulty, the start was very hard, then when you got the quickenings it was pretty much mild and the end it was challenging again

Really??..the MAIN game of FF12 was way, the optional bosses and a few hunts were challenging, but MAIN game was easy

I think the problem is not difficulty but familiarity. They're not necessarily becoming easier, you're being better at them.

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