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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New picture of "Kojimas secret project"... "NEXT..."

Taken from gamingbolt

 Hideo Kojima posted a teaser for a new project he is working on, The teaser shows an "unknown place", with trees, grass and dark clouds, so if you havn't read the full article on that, read it here.

Today i noticed something new on Kojimas site, Im not sure if this is new to everyone, but it sure is to me. He posted a new view of that "unkown place" but with a word in the middle of the photo, the word "NEXT..." 


From the way i see it, this "NEXT" photo describes a new game, perhaps a new IP maybe. Though it could also mean a new Metal Gear, a "NEXT" Metal Gear, like all of us think, this could be Metal Gear Raiden, Metal Gear Solid 5, or anything else in that matter.

Though the most talked about topic is "Metal Gear Solid 4 coming to the Xbox 360", and from this photo, the chances go lower.

Like i said "NEXT" means something new, a sequel, or anything like that, so if MGS4 was coming to the 360, why would he put this "NEXT" on the photo? 

So from my point of view, this is cancelling the "Metal Gear Solid 4 coming to the Xbox 360" rumour. This does not mean that this wont be something the 360 will get, this just means it wont be MGS4.

To know what Kojima is up to, make sure you check our news on on the 18th (tomorrow). And give us your thoughts about this "NEXT" photo, what do you think this is?


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This is one of the few times Kojima angers me, I wish he'd just stop adding fuel to the MGS rumors, and just announce the damn game

They could mean NEXT platform... but that is just clutching at straws lol!

I would go with a new IP but we will have to wait until tomorrow!

Doesn't really help us. Though the scene basically says no to ZOE, it does not narrow down the possibilities of a new IP or the next MGS... this does not really help


The "NEXT..." thing aint on the actual teaser site yet, just on the Kojima homepage thing.

What day is this actually set to be revealed?


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kowenicki said:

egomaniacs are like that...

I know......but Kojima is the worst about this, and plays alot of tricks to

MGS4 confirmed for 360

I thought everybody agreed that it was the tornado game?

Lurker said:
MGS4 confirmed for 360

And so it begins... again.


What do you mean an "unknown place"? I took one look at that and recognized it instantly: it's the field where the last fight of MGS3 takes place.

Not that I necessarily know what that means, but any MGS3 fan should recognize that place.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.