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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Punchout gets a A+ from 1up, Will it outsell Killzone 2 in its first week?

TheSource has been suggesting that it will do some pretty decent numbers. I'm going to guess at least half a million first week (but likely more).



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This game is what the wii needs, 600k first week

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

1.5 Million first week? That's a bold prediction. I would be very happy if it did do that well, but the common sense part of me says other wise. I think it will probably sell 2 million lifetime.


A D list franchise? What, not old enough to remember anything BP (Before PlayStation)?

I think 350k first month ... but it will have long, long, loooooooong legs and strong word-of-mouth. 

A lot of people in their late 20s and 30s are going to freak out when they see this. Everything from the 80s is cool again -- Super Mario Bros, 80s sneakers, Transformers, etc. This will hit a nerve with nostalgics IMO. 

The graphics and animation are excellent too. The TV commercials are great, probably the best for a "core" Nintendo game in ages. 

It'll be like a smaller version of Mario Kart Wii but I suspect it will sell for a while. 

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It will do more than 2.5 milion lifetime, knowing other Nintendo Wii games it might have legs. But the opening will be good but nothing like Killzone 2 (why even bother comparing such different games with different hype etc. etc.)

First week? Possible, but I don't think so.

Lifetime? Most definitely.

We can only hope to see it outselling Killzone 2, but I think tha chances are pretty big. I'm calling an huge seller, something like 5+ milion. I may be wrong of course, but Nintendo knows how important this game is.

well, there is no real number, I'll give you that much, we just know 21 mil since 2007, but if a game like HL2 costed 40mil on PC when they didn't even have 160 people they have today, I really don't see how KZ2 can be any lower when they had a peak of 190 devs and at least 120 minimal and valve doesn't even come close to having that many people on a game at once, if anything, it's just logic at work. I'm just not impressed by the end result of KZ2, but that's a personal thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

the dev kit, ah, the lovely PS3 dev kit, that really just means that the programmers can't do anything, but that won't stop the art work and basically root work from taking place since it was announced, I'm sure those were all free right?

when you look at the end result of half life 2 at a sales, awards, and what followed, stand point, KZ2 seems shadowy at best, I think KZ2 is a good game, but the addictive value(which is important to me for a FPS game) is way lower. if anything I'm pissed at Sony's management because I do like sony products but if you look at how and what they are doing right now, it's nothing but short sights(they are predicting "at least" about the same amount of loss next year,) and I feel saddened by it.