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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Punchout gets a A+ from 1up, Will it outsell Killzone 2 in its first week?

blaydcor said:
It'll sell well, but not 1.5 million opening week well.

My answer right there. I would be wondering if this title will break that number in general. It depends on how people react to it. If it can go beyond core Nintendo users, then perhaps it will do well.


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killeryoshis said:
Undying said:
CGI-Quality said:
Undying said:
CGI-Quality said:

Aren't these two games a tad different in demographics? How are they remotely comparable?

Ok fine, to your question, Punch-Out!!! may end up with 2-3mill sales Lifetime, don't shoot me (IT'S POSSIBLE). Judging from Killzone 2, I may have to, at some point, bring my prediction down for it. I don't know, we'll see how the rest of the year pans out.


There is no way a Nintendo D list franchise will sell over a million.

Hey, it's POSSIBLE, check this........


Update boxart
America   Front
3.02 m
Developer: Nintendo IRD
Genre: Sports
Release Dates: 10/01/87
Hits: 2,124
Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.45m 2.06m 0.51m 3.02m

Nothing's impossible bro

Look who is on the cover.



 A boxer fighting?


Mike Tyson

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

Game will bomb. I expect 40 k first week

no, but it might eventually, which is sad considering KZ2 costed 60mil and 5 years.

Ari_Gold said:
Game will bomb. I expect 40 k first week

Want to make bet on that because it will beat that amount easily without fail especially if your talking worldwide.


On topic 1.5 million in is first week no. But 2mil+ lifetime seems certainly possible.


I love fighting games !!! Come on challenge me !

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it's almost 5 considering when it was announced(what like 4 years and 6 months in between announcement and release?) sony always does that too, they should have announced it 2 years ago instead if it was going to be that long, but I don't blame them since the time was all added on and kept getting delayed, and I don't even know why they had to delay it so much considering so many people ended up returning it like I did which is really sad. it costed about 50-60mil, at this point nobody even knows if they'll ever make that money back. what the fkn hell are you doing sony?!!?!?!? what the hell!!!!!

Ari_Gold said:
Game will bomb. I expect 40 k first week



You think Nintendo will let their most-hyped first-party title since Mario Kart bomb?  This game will get tons of advertising, and sell for quite a while.

I don't expect a massive opening week, though--100k-150k.  This will have Mario Kart Wii-like legs, though.  Yes, it's a franchise that hasn't been heard from for a long time, but as some people on this site like to point out, a large portion of Wii's demographics haven't had a game console since the NES or SNES.  And most of them WILL remember Punch-Out!!

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I doubt they will have a marketing campaign as heavy as KZ2, making it less likely to sell as well.

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dahuman said:
it's almost 5 considering when it was announced(what like 4 years and 6 months in between announcement and release?) sony always does that too, they should have announced it 2 years ago instead if it was going to be that long, but I don't blame them since the time was all added on and kept getting delayed, and I don't even know why they had to delay it so much considering so many people ended up returning it like I did which is really sad. it costed about 50-60mil, at this point nobody even knows if they'll ever make that money back. what the fkn hell are you doing sony?!!?!?!? what the hell!!!!!

Again, where are you getting this 50-60 million dolllar budget figure other than where the sun don't shine?



Torillian said:
dahuman said:
it's almost 5 considering when it was announced(what like 4 years and 6 months in between announcement and release?) sony always does that too, they should have announced it 2 years ago instead if it was going to be that long, but I don't blame them since the time was all added on and kept getting delayed, and I don't even know why they had to delay it so much considering so many people ended up returning it like I did which is really sad. it costed about 50-60mil, at this point nobody even knows if they'll ever make that money back. what the fkn hell are you doing sony?!!?!?!? what the hell!!!!!

Again, where are you getting this 50-60 million dolllar budget figure other than where the sun don't shine?

This. And the fact that development on PS3 games never started until early 2006 whenever the dev kits were released.

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To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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