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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Article: Why Nintendo is always ‘doomed’

disolitude said:
Smashchu2 said:
disolitude said:
griffinA said:
disolitude said:
griffinA said:

Wow, I mean, I know this happens whenever Malstrom gets posted but it's particularly hard to swallow now.

Instead of actually thinking about and having a big discussion about the actual important points Malstrom makes, people just zero in on one insignificant point he made somewhere in the piece and argue against it. I won't lie, on entering this thread I did expect pettty bickering, but I expected bickering related to the important arguments Malstrom made.

Can we move on from talking about whether Nintendo's studios are better than Sony's and talk about whether overall Malstrom is right or not? Or perhaps someone could write a rebuttel to the piece itself?


 thats because this article is as pedestrian and obvious as any hes ever posted. Without cherrypicking on the points he got wrong yuo'd have a 15 post thread.


 Then maybe you could argue how it could improve itself? Or how the whole article is incorrect by writing a similar one yourself? Or demostrate how it is so 'pedestrian', as you put it?

I don't get paid to write stuff nor do I have the time to write my opinions. This perticular piece he wrote is about as obvious as it gets.

Point 1. Nintendo is always doomed in the media becuase their consoles don't sell 3rd party software - statement is true. Media doesn't like it when you don't share the love.

Point 2. Nintendo wii is blamed if a 3rd paty game doesnt sell well, not the company that made the crappy game.  Lots of good Wii 3rd party games sold less than Deca Sports and Carnival games so I am not sure I agree. But yes, wii gets the blame becuase it hasn't proven it will sell adult themed,  games that are not nintendo made.

Point 3. Xbox and ps3 get the credit when 3rd party game succeeds. Complete BS. GTA4 is a bad example because MS and Sony advertised that game to death. So they did get partial credit for its success.

Point 4. Xbox and PS3 dont get blamed if a 3rd party sells badly, intead publishers get blamed for making a bad game. This is sometimes true too (Mirrors edge, Valk Chronicles)

Not a single point he makes is concrete and all can be argued both ways.

Uhhhh, besides the fact you were most off base most of the time.

  1. Statement is not true. What the hell is wrong with you? (Hint: How is the press a third party developer?)
  2. Again, how the hell is Nintendo or the Wii responsable for a game not doing well. Did they personally sabotage them? Unless you can give a reason why the system is too blame, your wrong.
  3. Yes they do. The third party is usually ignored in Sony and Microsoft's case
  4. Point 4 is always true. my post carefully.

1. It is true that media makes nintendo look like they are doomed. Im not saying nintendo is doomed but that media always writes about that. Media sees the lack of 3rd party games and how its jsut nintendo profiting off the wii and usually base their asumptions off that. They are wrong, but that statement is true.

2. Media blames Wii when a Wii title fails. IS this not true? I believe it is. Every time a high profile game fails on the wii we see stories that wii doesnt sell games. So I believe this is true.

the other 2 we agree on...

Ok, I don't follow you hear. I reply based on the assumption that you are trying to deny Malstrom's claims (by saying "Not a single point he makes is concrete and all can be argued both ways."). I am defending his claims. However, from what you've posted, you say you are agreeing with malstrom's claims. So what is it?


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disolitude said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Its still domination, since Snes controlled/was cometitive in more regions than the genesis.

PS3 will never catch up to Wii, Wii is dominant not the 360

The other two console makers are copying nintendo with motion controls,and the massive price drop of the HD twins are entriely due to Wii's dominance

This may be true...alright I give up.

Another question for all of you posting here against me -

You guys really think what Wii is offering is better than what you get with 360/ps3? Like as gamers, is wii the better console in your eyes?

I know its converting the blind and casuals...but I assume if someone is a member on a gaming site they are not casuals. As people that game on a daily basis, is wii the console to own this gen?

Please leave the "people have spoken" and "sales show" out of your explanation...

In your eyes the wii is the gaming system to own this gen?

tbh, Wii does have a more entertainment value for me, it's just something I can sit down and relax to, I can't possibly sit there and play games aiming for realism all the time, I'd want to kill myself since I hardly smile when I play those whereas I can actually smile a lot playing Nintendo games.

I guess it really depends on my mood, but I've been spending more time on the Wii recently or playing stuff on my PC, not really touching the HD consoles much.

disolitude said: some of you have answered my post (while others gave me some chinese riddles to solve).

So people here (not casuals) do think that Wii is the best gaming system this gen. This is something that I wanted to hear as I have a hard time understanding why anyone that playes games on a daily basis would choose the wii the "gaming system of the generation". Don't get me worng, I've had the wii for 2 years and I find it fun to pop in once in a while...and its a cool alternative to when I suck at Halo or street fighter online and I want something stress free.

To me Wii is like an automatic car. Its easy to drive everyone can do it and can be fun when you are with a group of people, but as a driving enthusiast, I will take a manual over an auto any day...


then go PC.

Smashchu2 said:
disolitude said:
Smashchu2 said:
disolitude said:
griffinA said:
disolitude said:
griffinA said:

Wow, I mean, I know this happens whenever Malstrom gets posted but it's particularly hard to swallow now.

Instead of actually thinking about and having a big discussion about the actual important points Malstrom makes, people just zero in on one insignificant point he made somewhere in the piece and argue against it. I won't lie, on entering this thread I did expect pettty bickering, but I expected bickering related to the important arguments Malstrom made.

Can we move on from talking about whether Nintendo's studios are better than Sony's and talk about whether overall Malstrom is right or not? Or perhaps someone could write a rebuttel to the piece itself?


 thats because this article is as pedestrian and obvious as any hes ever posted. Without cherrypicking on the points he got wrong yuo'd have a 15 post thread.


 Then maybe you could argue how it could improve itself? Or how the whole article is incorrect by writing a similar one yourself? Or demostrate how it is so 'pedestrian', as you put it?

I don't get paid to write stuff nor do I have the time to write my opinions. This perticular piece he wrote is about as obvious as it gets.

Point 1. Nintendo is always doomed in the media becuase their consoles don't sell 3rd party software - statement is true. Media doesn't like it when you don't share the love.

Point 2. Nintendo wii is blamed if a 3rd paty game doesnt sell well, not the company that made the crappy game.  Lots of good Wii 3rd party games sold less than Deca Sports and Carnival games so I am not sure I agree. But yes, wii gets the blame becuase it hasn't proven it will sell adult themed,  games that are not nintendo made.

Point 3. Xbox and ps3 get the credit when 3rd party game succeeds. Complete BS. GTA4 is a bad example because MS and Sony advertised that game to death. So they did get partial credit for its success.

Point 4. Xbox and PS3 dont get blamed if a 3rd party sells badly, intead publishers get blamed for making a bad game. This is sometimes true too (Mirrors edge, Valk Chronicles)

Not a single point he makes is concrete and all can be argued both ways.

Uhhhh, besides the fact you were most off base most of the time.

  1. Statement is not true. What the hell is wrong with you? (Hint: How is the press a third party developer?)
  2. Again, how the hell is Nintendo or the Wii responsable for a game not doing well. Did they personally sabotage them? Unless you can give a reason why the system is too blame, your wrong.
  3. Yes they do. The third party is usually ignored in Sony and Microsoft's case
  4. Point 4 is always true. my post carefully.

1. It is true that media makes nintendo look like they are doomed. Im not saying nintendo is doomed but that media always writes about that. Media sees the lack of 3rd party games and how its jsut nintendo profiting off the wii and usually base their asumptions off that. They are wrong, but that statement is true.

2. Media blames Wii when a Wii title fails. IS this not true? I believe it is. Every time a high profile game fails on the wii we see stories that wii doesnt sell games. So I believe this is true.

the other 2 we agree on...

Ok, I don't follow you hear. I reply based on the assumption that you are trying to deny Malstrom's claims (by saying "Not a single point he makes is concrete and all can be argued both ways."). I am defending his claims. However, from what you've posted, you say you are agreeing with malstrom's claims. So what is it?



point 1...we agreed that Nintendo isn't doomed, but mainstream media writes that it is because wii doesnt sell 3rd party software and doesnt get 3rd party support...there really is no way to argue this the other way so I apologize...not all points he made are lame.

point 2...We agreed that Nintendo gets blamed when 3rd party game sells not the 3rd party company for making a bad game. Ok so What about dead rising? Nintendo didnt get blamed for that. Nintendo only gets blamed when they get a game exclusively desinged for the wii, like boom blox and it gets great reviews and it doesnt sell.

point 3...we agreed that media makes 360 and ps3 get all the credit for 3rd party success. GTA4 used as example. But what about a game like Left 4 Dead? Its roots are on the PC, no one is saying 360 made that game a success...and its made by Valve, they always get the credit even before a game is released. Cause their shit dont stink... FF13 is another example, the square gods are blessing us with this game...not ps3 and 360.

point 4...we agreed that 3rd party gets blamed if a game fails on ps3 and 360. Except if that game is a PC port like orange box, in which case why the fudge would anyone buy the console version...or if that game is sonic unleashed in which case ps360 versions suck and sold poorly because the motion controls are nowhere to be found like in the obviously supoerior Wii version(when looking at the sales). can find examples that support their arguments either way.

disolitude said: some of you have answered my post (while others gave me some chinese riddles to solve).

So people here (not casuals) do think that Wii is the best gaming system this gen. This is something that I wanted to hear as I have a hard time understanding why anyone that playes games on a daily basis would choose the wii the "gaming system of the generation". Don't get me worng, I've had the wii for 2 years and I find it fun to pop in once in a while...and its a cool alternative to when I suck at Halo or street fighter online and I want something stress free.

To me Wii is like an automatic car. Its easy to drive everyone can do it and can be fun when you are with a group of people, but as a driving enthusiast, I will take a manual over an auto any day...

You're assuming that all Wii games are relaxing and simple like Endless Ocean or something.

The Wii is more like an automatic car and a manual car duct taped together!  Best of both worlds.


Or if you want to talk about what changed since last generation, the HD consoles got more powerful graphics and processors, while the Wii introduced new controls as an option and left the old controls intact as well.

So the HD consoles are the fastest shiniest cars of today, and the Wii is one of the fastest shiniest cars from a few years ago, but it can turn into a helicopter and back.

Around the Network
The Ghost of RubangB said:
disolitude said: some of you have answered my post (while others gave me some chinese riddles to solve).

So people here (not casuals) do think that Wii is the best gaming system this gen. This is something that I wanted to hear as I have a hard time understanding why anyone that playes games on a daily basis would choose the wii the "gaming system of the generation". Don't get me worng, I've had the wii for 2 years and I find it fun to pop in once in a while...and its a cool alternative to when I suck at Halo or street fighter online and I want something stress free.

To me Wii is like an automatic car. Its easy to drive everyone can do it and can be fun when you are with a group of people, but as a driving enthusiast, I will take a manual over an auto any day...

You're assuming that all Wii games are relaxing and simple like Endless Ocean or something.

The Wii is more like an automatic car and a manual car duct taped together!  Best of both worlds.


Or if you want to talk about what changed since last generation, the HD consoles got more powerful graphics and processors, while the Wii introduced new controls as an option and left the old controls intact as well.

So the HD consoles are the fastest shiniest cars of today, and the Wii is one of the fastest shiniest cars from a few years ago, but it can turn into a helicopter and back.

Lol...pretty good post.

This is all fine if every game had controller support or if nintendo released a kickass new controller to go with motion controls but not every game has the gamecube controller is showing its age.

Also, wii mote has proven to be great fun and working great when done right but even you have to admit it doesnt work with every situation. Shooting, throwing, shaking, thrusting situations sure...but basic finctions are sometimes completely ignored (such as camera control in No more heroes) also the controller is not accurte enough and quite often people jsut resort to shaking the controller...even if a specific command is being requested by the game.

Take a look at screenshot below for proof.

now you know why the WM+ has been long overdue.

I am guessing there are just jealous of Wii success.So they will bash in on every opportunity they have.

wow that was amazing.

hello how are you.

Destroyer_of_knights said:
"Sony and Microsoft rely on third parties to create an install base with their consoles because both companies lack the first party studio strength to perform it themselves. In other words, relying on third party software to drive install base is considered ‘normal’ and ‘the future’. Nintendo, like Sega and Atari and Hudson, rely on first party software to drive the install base. Therefore, it is ‘concerning’, ‘problematic’ and eventually ‘doomed’."

that's Bull shit, Sony has a very strong 1st party studio, which produce quality games, but at the end of the day console manufactures have to have a good balance of both 1st and 3rd party, either extreme is problematic more so if the console heavily relies on 1st party, after all 3rd party is very important since their are more studios, which means more games, which means a library of great games.

Outside of Gran Turismo, Sony 1st party doesn't do huge sales numbers.  Business types, including the press that covers the industry, doesn't care a game is AWESOME.  They care about sales.  Unlike Nintendo, Gran Turismo is it.  We are talking HUGE sellers here.  Sony has pulled off multiple million+ copy sales, but this isn't what interests the media that covers the industry.

What is written is more true about Microsoft and the XBox here though.  However, Microsoft tends to have the MONSTER known as Halo.