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Forums - Sales Discussion - How important is it to you PS3 beats 360 in console sales war?

I have both so it wouldn't make a difference to me, I wouldn't be missing out on anything. I'd say Sony are making more effort on the game front and are doing more for their fanbase than Microsoft are so they're slightly more deserving in my opinion, but the initial price tag and various fuck-ups in the first year of the console's life were a big middle finger to everyone.


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stop whinning about xbox failure rate, id say there on par with sony right now

these sigs are at least one week old , I don't see why bans haven't been issued yet

kowenicki said:

My hatred of Man Ure is far greater than your hatred of Sony.. I have a totally illogical and psychotic hatred of the red scum that runs very very deep.


ha ha ha

Been a Liverpool fan i share your feelings towards Scum utd.

As for sony, trust me,  my hatred for sony is more than my hatred for Gordon brown, Man utd and all Z list reality "stars" combined.

is the above enough hatred? maybe your scum utd hatred still surpasses all the above, if so...... WOW lol

kowenicki said:

It does!!!! I would be banned if I spoke of my ideal scenario involving man u and their fans....


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blackstar said:
these sigs are at least one week old , I don't see why bans haven't been issued yet

Obviously the mods don't care, and it's a waste of time and perfectly good sig space *sigh*


@ Darc Requiem

Very good post.

I know Sega caused part of their own downfall, but theres no denying that "Moneybags" sony moneyhatting 3rd party games left, right and centre & paying through the nose to advertise on every damn street corner, bus shelter, nightclub and during every t.v. commercial break didn't help Sega's situation either.

As i said before, Sega never had and never will have the kind of money to throw around that the likes of Sony and Microsoft do.

To say Sega would be out of the console business if sony didn't come along is unrealistic.

About moving on.............. well, this gereration has truly given me hope that one day i WILL finally be able to move on.

Ronster316 said:
Not important to me.....................

I couldn't care less about a "corporation" like sony.

In fact, based on the seedy way that sony got in to the gaming business and their complete disregard for the competition (Nintendo and Sega at the time) i actually can't wait until Microsoft bury sony.

i agree with you, since sony downplay dreamcast with ps2, which actually ps2 can't do antialiasing where dreamcast have proper antialiasing in most of its games, funnyly we see same effect here with ps3 can not do proper antialiasing in most multiplat titles.



kowenicki said:

It does!!!! I would be banned if I spoke of my ideal scenario involving man u and their fans....


Blimey, now that's devotion to your chosen subject of hatred lol.

Not interested in the PS3 winning at all. Want to see the 360 win.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.