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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what game should i get killzone 2 or halo 3?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Reasonable said:
Well, the only way you could have a choice between both is if you have both a PS3 and a 360, and if that's the case I can't for the life of me see why you wouldn't get both.



Thats very reasonable, but he wants one game, not two.


To be honest, I was sneakily implying there was a hint of trolling in the OP.  I just can't see someone with access to consoles to play both Halo 3 and KZ2, with friends available online for both, who wouldn't get both.  It doesn't make sense.  I'd get both.  If you life FPS, play online with friends and have both consoles I'd expect you to get both.

Therefore I felt the OP might have been trying to get exactly the kind of arguements that have ensued going.

Think about it - people tend to muse on titles on the same console - i.e. should I both with both Halo 3 and Army of Two, or should I bother with both KZ2 and Resistance 2?

The OP is like saying should I get Uncharted or Gears of War - it doesn't make sense in a way because they are on seperate platforms.  You'd either get the one for the platform you have or if you had both PS3/360 and were tempted by 3rd person action titles you'd likely get both.

The only arguement for choice I can see is cost - but really if you have access to both consoles would you really feel you had to make a choice between each platforms arguably top FPS title?


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Words Of Wisdom said:
uber said:
why not get them both. they are completely different approaches to fps's.

i personally thought halo was too old school in the way it played. it plays like a slower unreal tournament with bigger levels and dumber weapons. my wife likes the hairy weapon as she calls it, but then she stabbed herself in the face with her thumb, so take that for what it's worth.

kz is a totally different experience. i've never played a game like it.


W. T. F.



Man, I have seen more funny shit tonight on vgchartz than I have in a long time.  xD

makingmusic476 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
uber said:
why not get them both. they are completely different approaches to fps's.

i personally thought halo was too old school in the way it played. it plays like a slower unreal tournament with bigger levels and dumber weapons. my wife likes the hairy weapon as she calls it, but then she stabbed herself in the face with her thumb, so take that for what it's worth.

kz is a totally different experience. i've never played a game like it.


W. T. F.



Man, I have seen more funny shit tonight on vgchartz than I have in a long time.  xD

Got to second that.  Really that was the funniest comment I've seen anywhere on a forum for a long time.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

sweetoothj said:

Hmm tough decision all my friends play both games they both look awsome which game should i get


I have both but HALO 3 is my favorite so far... especially if you want to play with your friends.

Halo 3 has a the biggest (console) online community, is always well populated, has probably the best matchmaking system ever made on a console and proposes tons of fine-tuned maps and playlist (gaming modes- check to mention the native "party-system" of the 360 and how it integrates with Halo 3 (+every body has a mic... not the case on the PS3...).

Note that the PS3-fanboys-intelligencia is very strong on this forum.

They are actively pushing KZ2 like the communist party would claim the superiority of the CCCP agains't USA back then...

It is true that KZ2 has a great artwork (more dark, more realistic) and is a most recent game... but so far,it has no tangible facts about his so-called "superiority".... (They are talking about Resistance 2 now... sigh...)

To summarize:

Single player : KZ2 >>> Halo 3

Multiplayer : Halo 3 >>> KZ2

Anyhow, you can't go wrong with any of those two...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
uber said:
also, black had a point reticle which means you can have perfect accuracy with a pistol regardless of distance. that is the polar opposite of kz's gameplay mechanic.


It matters not, Black uses a point reticle in the what? On certain weapons there is a point on a crosshaire and on some it's just a crosshaire in KZ2. Certain weapons enlarge crosshaires depending on the weapons ability to get a kill. It's harder to attack with a point a body without a crosshaire in shooters (especially on moving subjects).Scoping in KZ2 makes it easier for a kill does it not? KZ2 uses a point reticle for Sev's Assault Rifle, while scoping, doesn't it? Of course it does. Stop trying to find things that aren't individualistic factors to products which are practically kin.


you missed my point.  the point reticule never changes.  this means that your accuracy is in no way affected by movement.


kz is not like that at all.  the reticule changes with movement, so as to decrease accuracy.  in black i could pop a headshot with any weapon regardless of how i moved.  that is actually closer to halo than it is kz.  also, kz built range into its weapons, so even with a line of sight i can't take down distant targets with a pistol.  these are very significant differences between black and kz.


the fact that the m82 has a point sight is irrelevant, mainly because movement is so hindered by it.  bottom line, the play in black is fundamentally different from kz.  i would say it's closer to halo, but i don't really want to ruffle more feathers.


aw hell, i did already.


and to the new guy to jump in...halo3 has pretty much the exact same look and feel of halo 2.  playing team deathmatch was an experience in de ja vu.

to illustrate what i mean, both cod3 and cod4 are technically next gen games, yet when i first played cod4 it felt like a next gen game compared to cod3.  that's some serious innovation and improvement.

frankly, i think this thread would have been much more debatable if it were about choosing between halo3 and resistance 2.  those are much more able to be compared.

art is the excrement of culture

Around the Network
Sardauk said:
sweetoothj said:

Hmm tough decision all my friends play both games they both look awsome which game should i get


To summarize:

Single player : KZ2 <<< Halo 3

Multiplayer : Halo 3 <<< KZ2

Anyhow, you can't go wrong with any of those two...


you are actually saying the exact opposite of what you  wish.  don't you remember what we teach the kids?  the alligator eats the bigger one.

you mean to say kz2 >>> halo3 for campaign

art is the excrement of culture

FKNetwork said:


P.S, I wouldn't try and argue against S.T.A.G.E, he knows a LOT about FPS and Halo, you'll make yourself look VERY stupid trying to go head to head against him like many have already done in this thread lol


Ah yes that killer video comparison a page back was just brutal.       Halo is so unique and innovative (Assuming you haven't played about 100 other Sci-Fi Twitch shooters?).   Give me a break. 

I would rate it something like this  : 

Halo 1  > Kill Zone 2 > Halo 2 > Halo 3 > Kill Zone 1


Halo hasn't done anything different or remarkable in any way since the original Halo, just more of the same old. Kill Zone 2 is a great game in more of a Call of Duty styled mold,  certainly a better game than Halo 3 but definitely not as good as the original Halo.

Solid_Raiden said:
lmao @ people saying sales make one game better then another. Wether or not a game with more sales is better then one with lower sales is not due to the sales of the game. Even if Halo 3 was the greatest shooter ever, it sold all of those copies because the halo brand is synonemous with X-box and almost every buyer of an x-box buys the game wether they wind up liking it or not. For instance, I did that very thing and think the game is a mediocre game.


You have a point, I did the same with MGS4 and thought that too.

uber said:
Sardauk said:
sweetoothj said:

Hmm tough decision all my friends play both games they both look awsome which game should i get


To summarize:

Single player : KZ2 <<< Halo 3

Multiplayer : Halo 3 <<< KZ2

Anyhow, you can't go wrong with any of those two...


you are actually saying the exact opposite of what you  wish.  don't you remember what we teach the kids?  the alligator eats the bigger one.

you mean to say kz2 >>> halo3 for campaign


Indeed ! Lol !!


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Sardauk said:
sweetoothj said:

Hmm tough decision all my friends play both games they both look awsome which game should i get


I have both but HALO 3 is my favorite so far... especially if you want to play with your friends.

Halo 3 has a the biggest (console) online community, is always well populated, has probably the best matchmaking system ever made on a console and proposes tons of fine-tuned maps and playlist (gaming modes- check to mention the native "party-system" of the 360 and how it integrates with Halo 3 (+every body has a mic... not the case on the PS3...).

Note that the PS3-fanboys-intelligencia is very strong on this forum.

They are actively pushing KZ2 like the communist party would claim the superiority of the CCCP agains't USA back then...

It is true that KZ2 has a great artwork (more dark, more realistic) and is a most recent game... but so far,it has no tangible facts about his so-called "superiority".... (They are talking about Resistance 2 now... sigh...)

To summarize:

Single player : KZ2 >>> Halo 3

Multiplayer : Halo 3 >>> KZ2

Anyhow, you can't go wrong with any of those two...



I totally agree.