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FKNetwork said:


P.S, I wouldn't try and argue against S.T.A.G.E, he knows a LOT about FPS and Halo, you'll make yourself look VERY stupid trying to go head to head against him like many have already done in this thread lol


Ah yes that killer video comparison a page back was just brutal.       Halo is so unique and innovative (Assuming you haven't played about 100 other Sci-Fi Twitch shooters?).   Give me a break. 

I would rate it something like this  : 

Halo 1  > Kill Zone 2 > Halo 2 > Halo 3 > Kill Zone 1


Halo hasn't done anything different or remarkable in any way since the original Halo, just more of the same old. Kill Zone 2 is a great game in more of a Call of Duty styled mold,  certainly a better game than Halo 3 but definitely not as good as the original Halo.