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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3's savior to be announced tomorrow?

Maybe realtime footage of FFXIII has been seen and it blows everything away.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

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HappySqurriel said:

No one game thing is going to save the PS3 regardless of how huge or popular it is ...

Right now the industry would have to focus most of their efforts towards the PS3 and ignore the Wii and XBox 360 even though they have larger userbases in order to reverse the low sales trend; at the same time the PS3 would have to reverse the low sales trend and outsell the Wii before third party developers would focus most of their efforts towards the PS3 and ignore the Wii and XBox 360.

Basically ... Sony may see good games or improved sales but they're going to be trailing for a long time

Doh... you beat me to it! Well said...

I have one thing to add though...  The N64, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Sega Saturn all had some great games...  look what happened in the end.  The fact that these systems got less games overall compared to their competition meant they ended up making less sales then the competition.  That's why what HappySqurriel said is so true.  Once the cycle starts... it continues... if the cycle started badly... it will only continue doing so. No matter what one exclusive game will not save a system, it has to have many games of all different types if it wants to come out ahead in the end.  You may see a jump in sales once in awhile, but don't expect it to last long term.  

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

All the "PS3 Savior" articles are awful. They sound desperate in the sense that they imply "without this, the PS3 is doomed". It's contrived BS as no one game will make or break a console. It is a combination of things... third party support, first party titles, breadth of games, pricing, accessories, and so on...

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

Yah, the thought of a "saviour" game is ridiculous. The PS2 wasnt great because of just one game...

PS360 ftw!

Currently playing..........

Gears of War 2, GTA IV Lost and Damned, Little Big Planet (Yes I said I had no interest but my girl wanted to try it and we did and now Im hooked )



Relying on games to save a console has only left PS3 enthusiest with numerous dissapointments, at this point the PS3 needs a market appeal change to save its sales, not a single game or cluster of them.

On topic I have no clue what these games could be but since Square-Enix said it would take 4-5 years to do a FF7 remake for the PS3 it's doubtful they'd be announcing that unless they began development before the PS3's stats were available.

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The saviour wont be one game , it will be a list of games . Though I have to admit , that Im not shure if the Xbox would have passed the 15 million if thyere wouldent be Halo ...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Every big up and coming title is a "PS3 Savior" to some these days.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Every big up and coming title is a "PS3 Savior" to some these days.


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


So, how many saviors is this, now? Three? Four? Five?  Cause, you know, Lair was such a savior.  As was Warhawk.  And Motorstorm.  And Resistance.

No one game will save the PS3. If Sony actually thinks that, they're never going to break out of their spiral.  It takes a set of quality games in close proximity.

PS3: 5.51m/51w, avg 108,039/w (up 239)
360: 12.93m/102w, avg 126,764/w (up 625), leads PS3 by 7.42m (up 70k), avg lead 18,725/w (up 386)
Wii: 13.52m/51w, avg 265,098/w (dn 1,102), leads PS3 by 8.01m (up 90k), avg lead 157,059/w (dn 1,341)

If 360 sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass 360 by...
01/08: (008w) +875.8%, 04/08: (021w) +344.4%, 07/08: (034w) +219.3%, 10/08: (047w) +163.5%
01/09: (060w) +131.8%, 04/09: (073w) +111.4%, 07/09: (085w) +098.1%, 10/09: (099w) +086.7%
If Wii sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass Wii by...
01/08: (008w) +1072.%, 04/08: (021w) +498.4%, 07/08: (034w) +363.4%, 10/08: (047w) +303.1%
01/09: (060w) +269.0%, 04/09: (073w) +246.9%, 07/09: (085w) +232.6%, 10/09: (099w) +220.3%
If PS2 sales freeze, Wii sales increases needed to pass PS2 (as of Mar07, 108.4m) by...
2008: (008w) +4373.8%, 2009: (060w) +0496.5%, 2010: (112w) +0219.6%, 2011: (165w) +0116.9%
2012: (217w) +0064.9%, 2013: (269w) +0033.1%, 2014: (321w) +0011.5%, 2015: (376w) -0004.8%
At +0% it will pass it in 358w, the week ending September 19th, 2014, at an age of 409w (7y44w).
Current age of PS2: 7y37w.

Last update: Week ending November 3, 2007

WiteoutKing said:
So, how many saviors is this, now? Three? Four?

No one game will save the PS3. If Sony actually thinks that, they're never going to break out of their spiral.

I think the real issue here, and it's an issue that people who've followed Nintendo's history know well, is the strong negative hype surrounding the PS3. It reminds me of the relative negativity surrounding the N64 or the long-standing "Nintendo is teh kiddie" image. And, much like the "Sony is completely arrogant and their console is overpriced and gameless" hype, there is a decent basis in truth for these statements. But even when big(ish) titles like Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes or Eternal Darkness hit the GC, that kiddie image stuck, and it took a new console to at all reset that image. A public image is difficult to shake, and the PS3's is getting fairly entrenched at this point.