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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 holds all the aces up its sleeve.

they could finish second but i dont think by a close margin to wii

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NiKKoM said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Do you really believe all this? Your mind must be incredibly powerful to trick you into thinking this could happen.

These aren't the sales numbers you are looking for..



this just made my day! lol

Sardauk said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

Sony's losses are only a drop in the bucket when considering MS's losses....


You have the figures ??

You mean you aren't aware of it?  $5+ billion for Xbox.  AT LEAST $2 billion over the first 2 years of operation (NOT including the advertising expenses since they are tied into all of MS advertising costs).  $1+ billion for RRoD and E74.  Class action and regular lawsuits that have to pay out TWICE the GDP of Cambodia (total of over $9 billion).  Plus, there are NEW class action lawsuit popping up over the X360 as we post!

How's that for a start?


I love statements like this:

"...and huge list of games exclusive to PS3 which will prove to be much better than any exclusive games on XBox 360"

This is ridiculous on so many levels.

Past hype: HAZE and LAIR will blow the doors off, Heavenly Sword will change the game in SONY's favor, KZ2 is a Halo-killer...

Resistance 2 *severely* under-performed expectations, Motorstorm 2 was effectively still-born.

These 'the future will show' statements are assinine wishful thinking. Walk backwards through the exclusives and work out the average number that actually succeed vs. those that underperform or barely meet expectations. Looking at those numbers puts any 'the future will show' arguments in the proper light.

Wishing things to be so doesn't make things so, neither does ignoring the past undo it.

Don't get me wrong: some of these exclusive titles might actually be good, really good ...or even great, but YOU have no idea and neither does anyone else.

...and that goes for both sides of this particular console war.

Of course, it appears we're not here for reality and fact, we're here for drama and dreams. I will emerge victorious!

Jboy0990 said:
i agree. all this "Sony in trouble" shit is annoying
Sony in a multi million dollar company and they got exclusives and everything to help them out
They'll be fine
I think Sony knows more about what they're doing han what people on websites say

:)  Don't you mean multi-BILLION dollar company?


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Lol, awesome pic




This thread needs moar pics!


Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

Unfortunately, in this game Aces are low.

rover said:
I love statements like this:

"...and huge list of games exclusive to PS3 which will prove to be much better than any exclusive games on XBox 360"

This is ridiculous on so many levels.

Past hype: HAZE and LAIR will blow the doors off, Heavenly Sword will change the game in SONY's favor, KZ2 is a Halo-killer...

Resistance 2 *severely* under-performed expectations, Motorstorm 2 was effectively still-born.

These 'the future will show' statements are assinine wishful thinking. Walk backwards through the exclusives and work out the average number that actually succeed vs. those that underperform or barely meet expectations. Looking at those numbers puts any 'the future will show' arguments in the proper light.

Wishing things to be so doesn't make things so, neither does ignoring the past undo it.

Don't get me wrong: some of these exclusive titles might actually be good, really good ...or even great, but YOU have no idea and neither does anyone else.

...and that goes for both sides of this particular console war.

Of course, it appears we're not here for reality and fact, we're here for drama and dreams. I will emerge victorious!

I think you are confusing sales with quality titles.  Heavenly Sword, Resistance 2, and Motorstorm 2 don't belong in your argument at all.  It discredits your entire post into fanboy crap.  Not to mention the other two games you mentioned (Haze and Lair) can be MORE than countered with the mention of Too Human.  AND, the losses on that game is worse than ALL of the titles you mentioned in your post.


Also Ascended_Saiyan3, just to put things in perspective, Microsoft doesn't deal in losses, just reduced profits. :)

Last I looked Microsoft has a $20 billion surplus.

Microsoft's "poor earnings" as a company are only making $14 billion in profit *this quarter*.

...and really, does anyone still buy into this IE browser deal? Who cares? Aren't most people here using Chrome, Safari or Firefox? Get over it EU.

NiKKoM said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Do you really believe all this? Your mind must be incredibly powerful to trick you into thinking this could happen.

These aren't the sales numbers you are looking for..


Yes! They are!  What, do you think you are some sorta Jedi?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)