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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 holds all the aces up its sleeve.

:) I think it might be just as amazing to think that no one who looks at a site like this has any experience with business.

Though the general level of the topics (and some of our ability to be bated into them) certainly belies that.

So it's a reasonable, though mistaken, assumption.

Around the Network
rover said:

Hang on.

We're talking the survival of companies and you're looking at quality of titles as the *total* arbiter of success?

So a publisher expends $10-20m for a title to be produced and makes back a fraction of that and it's OK?  Man, someone should put you in charge and watch the company rocket to the crypt.

Face it: this is about money, this is about having enough capital to fund the next experiment.  It costs ungodly sums of money to get dozens of people working on a title for years and you think that it's NOT about money?

If a company makes the best TVs in the world and no one buys them, how long will they continue making TVs? 

Quality of entertainment is subjective, but if something catches fire with the public, resonates in some way, then it's a success regardless of someone's arbitrary stamp of 'quality'.

...but if the public doesn't buy it, then it's not likely to be continued. 

And, by the way, LAIR, HAZE, Heavenly Sword, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm 2 are all PS3 exclusives.  These absolutely belong in this discussion! :) The OP says something to the effect of "the PS3 exclusives will be better than any 360 exlusive".  Well, let's take a look at how they've done so far.

And yes, Too Human sucked.  Which is why you'll never see a sequel.


You don't seem to see the BIG picture.  Sony doesn't have to sell as much as other companies do to break even.  Sony developers aren't paying fees to put a title on it's own platform.  Sony developers aren't paying for using Blu-ray from Sony's OWN BD pressing factories around the world.  Sony developers don't have to pay a publisher to manage and promote the title.  These WOULD BE FEES are ALL sources of revenue for EACH game sold.

As long as Sony is NEAR breaking even, they can make new titles all day EVERY DAY.

As far as good games go, you must not have looked at the review scores for Heavenly Sword, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm 2.  That's why ONLY Lair and Haze makes sense in your argument.  Anything else is just too ridculous to consider.


starcraft said:
PS3 really does hold all the Aces.

Now if only we weren't playing Uno.


so true :)


rover said:
:) I think it might be just as amazing to think that no one who looks at a site like this has any experience with business.

Though the general level of the topics (and some of our ability to be bated into them) certainly belies that.

So it's a reasonable, though mistaken, assumption.

You've definitely seemed to have proved your LACK of business knowledge in a barrage of self-ownage.


Damn Ascended beat me to it lol

Around the Network
rover said:

I'm seriously considering adding a "PS3 is the future: D_3_L_U_D_3_D" tag or something.


LOL... I think you're onto something there.

Playing: Borderlands(great co-op,HUGE amount of content),Too Human(better late than never lol),Saints Row 3(Penetrator ftw),Minecraft 360,Harry Potter Lego. 

Patiently waiting for:  Tomb Raider, Borderlands 2

Alic0004 said:
starcraft said:
PS3 really does hold all the Aces.

Now if only we weren't playing Uno.


so true :)

Uno?  Really?  So all this console generation is about to you two is playing all your cards first?  That doesn't make any sense and does NOT reflect console wars at all.  It's a hell of lot closer to Spades than Uno.


Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
Alic0004 said:
starcraft said:
PS3 really does hold all the Aces.

Now if only we weren't playing Uno.

so true :)

Uno?  Really?  So all this console generation is about to you two is playing all your cards first?  That doesn't make any sense and does NOT reflect console wars at all.  It's a hell of lot closer to Spades than Uno.

You should see the sales of Uno on the XBLA


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

i approve of this thread, i dont agree with all your point, well actually i do but you know. very well done.

Good minds think alike

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

rover said:
Also Ascended_Saiyan3, just to put things in perspective, Microsoft doesn't deal in losses, just reduced profits. :)

Last I looked Microsoft has a $20 billion surplus.

Microsoft's "poor earnings" as a company are only making $14 billion in profit *this quarter*.

...and really, does anyone still buy into this IE browser deal? Who cares? Aren't most people here using Chrome, Safari or Firefox? Get over it EU.


You mean $14 billion *yearly* profits. Last quarter they had $3 billion in profits. Which is still a lot of profit but much less than last year (which was around $5 billion).

And I use Firefox as browser. Then again, here in Finland, Firefox has over 50% market share in browsers already. IE is in minority here.