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I love statements like this:

"...and huge list of games exclusive to PS3 which will prove to be much better than any exclusive games on XBox 360"

This is ridiculous on so many levels.

Past hype: HAZE and LAIR will blow the doors off, Heavenly Sword will change the game in SONY's favor, KZ2 is a Halo-killer...

Resistance 2 *severely* under-performed expectations, Motorstorm 2 was effectively still-born.

These 'the future will show' statements are assinine wishful thinking. Walk backwards through the exclusives and work out the average number that actually succeed vs. those that underperform or barely meet expectations. Looking at those numbers puts any 'the future will show' arguments in the proper light.

Wishing things to be so doesn't make things so, neither does ignoring the past undo it.

Don't get me wrong: some of these exclusive titles might actually be good, really good ...or even great, but YOU have no idea and neither does anyone else.

...and that goes for both sides of this particular console war.

Of course, it appears we're not here for reality and fact, we're here for drama and dreams. I will emerge victorious!