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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is every PS3 fanboy just a graphics whore?

Can you PS3 fanboys please quit ruining threads by pissing and moaning about graphics. That's like Xbox and Gamecube fans bitching about PS2 graphics. It gets old.

Thanks in advance.

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Graphics on PS360 is one of the main debate points...

Get used to it.



Actually Gamecube and Xbox were more powerful than the PS2. But the 360 and PS3 are at about par. Either way shut up about it. They look basically the fucking same.

Thanks again.

The majority of them are hypocrites. During the PS2 era they had valid arguments to back the PS2 because the PS2 had all the games and all it was about was the gameplay. Now, they are no different than the Xbox fanboys last gen, which is why I call them hypocrites.

You seem a bit upset.

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Carl2291 said:
Graphics on PS360 is one of the main debate points...

Get used to it.


Main debate... for morons. Its not like comparing the PSX and N64. There was a huge difference in visuals there. Same can't be said this gen.


By creating this thread you have widened the debate!

I say PS3 has the best graphics

Thanks again

I never said PS2 was more powerful... i said Graphics are a major discussion point.

Get used to it.


Wait - are you talking about PS3 or PC?






from all the yester years its been the same.

every gen people want technical jumps and grafix is one of them. so with all the new games coming out would you prefer them to push forward in technical advancement or go backwards.

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