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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGchartz's Demon's Souls thread

I'm up to 27 now. What are you?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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Hey all, I made it up to level 24 last night. Granted I'm still wearing the wizard gear I was born in -- are there any other options out there for a wizard, or am I supposed to buff up and wear armor?

Anyone up for some co-op today? I've beaten 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1. I can't believe how awesome this game is. . . I will actually buy this game again if it gets a US release with improvements or addons.

The bosses are like playing an arcade game back when arcade games had better graphics than consoles! Larger than life, and you only get one chance on them!

I love the music in the Nexus. It reminds me of some of the creepy and moody parts of Final Fantasy VII.

I finally died once.. and then I died again right afterward. But those are my only deaths :)

I killed the dragon by standing just in front of where his fire breathing stops on the bridge and quickly targeting him and blasting him with soul arrow over and over for 15 minutes straight. Kinda felt like cheating, but then again maybe it was just a rather dumb dragon.... right?


Hmm, I made it to 30. Alic, if you'd like. Get up some more so we both can play with MM.

Although, we can just try to do 4-1.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

3-1 isn't too bad once you get the hang of the jail guards.

they cast soul light (a more powerful soul arrow) from a distance. They also cast a stun spell (short range), and will run towards you afterwards and perform a one-hit-kill if they get close enough. Be careful so you dont get stunned, and put something between you and the jail guards and you should be fine. The boss is easy.

as for the wizard armor, you have a couple options. In 3-1 you can get access to better mage armour if you have pure white tendency. You can get leather armour in 4-1 once you free the vendor, and sage's robes in 5-1.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

All this DS talk has made me start playing again this time to try get the plat trophy. Im a level 22 Wanderer with Winged Spear and Purple Flame Shield atm so if any of you want to team up with me when online then feel free to ad my PSN. Its on my profile.

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ameratsu and i tried co-op several times
because our levels were too high, those bosses seemed too easy to beat

now, from what i read and my personal experience
the difficulty level of the 2nd round is >>>>> than the 1st round
so, it should be perfect to play co-op

i freeze the lvl of my 1st character at lvl 69
will use him to play again after you guys finish the 1st round

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

@ Onii

Woo! Another Wanderer!

I'm using a Sharp Kilij +2. It's sexy and I love it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

ameratsu said:

3-1 isn't too bad once you get the hang of the jail guards.

they cast soul light (a more powerful soul arrow) from a distance. They also cast a stun spell (short range), and will run towards you afterwards and perform a one-hit-kill if they get close enough. Be careful so you dont get stunned, and put something between you and the jail guards and you should be fine. The boss is easy.

as for the wizard armor, you have a couple options. In 3-1 you can get access to better mage armour if you have pure white tendency. You can get leather armour in 4-1 once you free the vendor, and sage's robes in 5-1.


Awesome, thanks ameratsu!  Have you beaten the game once already?  Hopefully we can play together at some point!


Oh and uh, what is this "pure white tendency" you speak of?  Cause I've just cleared out all of 3-1* (died once trying to sneak up on that giant automated arrow machine... bad idea.)    All I have left to do is go through the last portal and fight the boss...  Can I get the mage stuff now, or do I have to do back for it later?


* I thought the mind-flayerish jail guards were incredibly easy until I took off my thief ring at some point.  Then all the sudden they started almost killing me all over the place and I realized that they weren't using their long distance spell on me the whole time because they couldn't see me while I blasted them with magic!



No I haven't beat the game yet. I have 1-4, 5-2, and 5-3 to beat yet. Check out the wiki linked in the OP for info about world tendancies.

I'm at level 61 and should be able to beat the game shortly, possibly even tonight. We'll see how it goes.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

outlaw and makingmusic:

I just hit level 30! Nothing can stop me!*

I'm starting to feel like my equipment is behind my level... I haven't really gotten anything new for a long time, aside from armor which doesn't really fit my class (royal). Is upgrading a really important part of the game?

Anyway, I sent music a friend request on PSN. You're already on my list, leafy. Let's set up a game -- do you guys have keyboards? We can even use those state-of-the-art new in-game chat options they added to PSN :)

* giant automated archery towers excepted