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Hey all, I made it up to level 24 last night. Granted I'm still wearing the wizard gear I was born in -- are there any other options out there for a wizard, or am I supposed to buff up and wear armor?

Anyone up for some co-op today? I've beaten 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1. I can't believe how awesome this game is. . . I will actually buy this game again if it gets a US release with improvements or addons.

The bosses are like playing an arcade game back when arcade games had better graphics than consoles! Larger than life, and you only get one chance on them!

I love the music in the Nexus. It reminds me of some of the creepy and moody parts of Final Fantasy VII.

I finally died once.. and then I died again right afterward. But those are my only deaths :)

I killed the dragon by standing just in front of where his fire breathing stops on the bridge and quickly targeting him and blasting him with soul arrow over and over for 15 minutes straight. Kinda felt like cheating, but then again maybe it was just a rather dumb dragon.... right?