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ameratsu said:

3-1 isn't too bad once you get the hang of the jail guards.

they cast soul light (a more powerful soul arrow) from a distance. They also cast a stun spell (short range), and will run towards you afterwards and perform a one-hit-kill if they get close enough. Be careful so you dont get stunned, and put something between you and the jail guards and you should be fine. The boss is easy.

as for the wizard armor, you have a couple options. In 3-1 you can get access to better mage armour if you have pure white tendency. You can get leather armour in 4-1 once you free the vendor, and sage's robes in 5-1.


Awesome, thanks ameratsu!  Have you beaten the game once already?  Hopefully we can play together at some point!


Oh and uh, what is this "pure white tendency" you speak of?  Cause I've just cleared out all of 3-1* (died once trying to sneak up on that giant automated arrow machine... bad idea.)    All I have left to do is go through the last portal and fight the boss...  Can I get the mage stuff now, or do I have to do back for it later?


* I thought the mind-flayerish jail guards were incredibly easy until I took off my thief ring at some point.  Then all the sudden they started almost killing me all over the place and I realized that they weren't using their long distance spell on me the whole time because they couldn't see me while I blasted them with magic!