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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Was this the week that changed the tide of the console war?

rocketpig said:
bardicverse said:
Good point, NJ5. I guess that's my question though - how much saturation within the FF fanbase has occurred for the PS3 with this demo?

Halo 3 says "hi". 

On the other hand, FF has been declining... But not in Japan. Isn't that the point of this thread?


Rocket, that's a flimsy bridge you built there. Comparing the size of the American market to the Japanese market is too far of a stretch. It's no news that the Japanese base is smaller by the American one. FF games are mostly single player experiences (minus for FF11 I think), whereas Halo games are dominantly about online play, leagues, etc. The word of mouth/experience of playing a FPS at a friend's house is far more common for a FPS than playing a one player RPG at a friend's house. Hell, all the times I've played Halo games were at network/lan parties at friends' houses.


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Spankey said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
bardicverse said:
Good point, NJ5. I guess that's my question though - how much saturation within the FF fanbase has occurred for the PS3 with this demo?

the demo only sold 40k

people bought Ps3 as a blu-ray player, for god's sake

all this fuss this week is really, not needed


wow. I'm surprised.

Why do you even bother trying to sound authorative, and you don't even bother to learn the facts?

40k was the estimate number of LIMITED HW bundles; the BR sold in excess of 400k


i just read it from here:

i didn't put myself into research, sorry about that

even if the demo sold 400k, people still got the Ps3 as a "cheap" blu-ray player, and not as gaming system, so that's why software increased by nothing

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

^^actually I apologise about the 400k number. I've just learned myself that it was only an estimated 300k or so.

perhaps I should heed my own advice sometime lol

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

can you wait half a year and then make this thread ?

Check out my game about moles ^

megaman.2. said:

Was this the week that changed the tide of the console war?


 Will the king return to claim its crown or are we in for some more surprises?


It already did. Almost 50 Millions consoles sold and counting.


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YesWiiCan said:
Whatever Sony has Nintendo has a better alternative.

God of War 3 - Madworld
Killzone 2 - The Conduit
Final Fantasy XIII - Tales of Graces
Final Fantasy Vesus XIII - Monster Hunter 3
Gran Turismo 5 - Mario Kart Wii

I cant tell if you're being serious...

OT: Thanks for posting my quote, but... this isnt the week.

The week the war changes will be pricecut day, or Gran Turismo day.

Final Fantasy 13 will only make the Japan war change


no it was just preview the next ps3 price cut will change the tide that should happen b4 the year ends there are already rumors that EU is getting a 100 euro price cut b4 E3


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Maskedpainter said:

The generation is over, the reason being the wii needs to simply bring out only a few more blockbusters and it will increase the lead beyond the point of no return (if anyone actually believes it hasn't reached it yet). The war was over the minute we found out how much Nintendo was making per system sold, BEFORE the news came out that they reduced cost.

Sony cannot turn the tide, Microsoft need only create more bundles and lower the price to stay the dominate HD console and for the Wii, it's over folks Nintendo pwnd everyone this cycle.


Sure. I agree with everything you said, but the Wii is still garbage.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

previous FF for Ps2 sold about 3 million in Japan

the difference between Ps3 and Wii is 5 million, which means the maximum Ps3 that can be sold due to FF13 is 3 million which is still well below the Wii

so please, stop dreaming and making a ton of threads that basically consist of the same discussion

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
previous FF for Ps2 sold about 3 million in Japan

the difference between Ps3 and Wii is 5 million, which means the maximum Ps3 that can be sold due to FF13 is 3 million which is still well below the Wii

so please, stop dreaming and making a ton of threads that basically consist of the same discussion


well FFX only sold 3 million in Japan LTD as per last known numbers (1.9million 1st week) so those numbers would be ok for Square imo.

Although I will give you that PS2 hadn't been out much longer than a year and a half at that stage, but had sold over 5 million units by that time (PS3 is now at 3 million, might be 3.5 or slightly higher when FFXIII launches)

Proud Sony Rear Admiral