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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavenly Thread: The Heavely Sword Discussion

leo-j said:
Roumer has it that once heavenly sword sells 1 million new episodic content will be released for heavenly sword through the psn!! Just read it at psu


That would be pretty sweet. Most of the time "downloadable content" is just new multiplayer maps or costumes. It would be cool if more levels/episodes were downloadable (hopefully they keep pricing reasonable). Helps expand the story until a sequel comes out...

PS360 ftw!

Currently playing..........

Gears of War 2, GTA IV Lost and Damned, Little Big Planet (Yes I said I had no interest but my girl wanted to try it and we did and now Im hooked )



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friedtofu said:

That would be pretty sweet. Most of the time "downloadable content" is just new multiplayer maps or costumes. It would be cool if more levels/episodes were downloadable (hopefully they keep pricing reasonable). Helps expand the story until a sequel comes out...

 Game is destinated to be a trylogy... I hope people will pick it up. 

A couple of months ago this was a definite day 1 purchase, but after the demo and a review average in the low 80's I decided to rent it first.

Anyways I was in Gamestop today to pick up another game and couldn't wait anymore. I literally wasted 20 minutes debating on whether or not to wait on Gamefly or purchase it. I ended up buying it and I am definitely glad I did.

Haven't played through the whole game yet, but here are my first impressions:
- I agree the combat system is better than GOW.
- The visuals are great
- Interesting cutscenes
- Using the sixaxis to guide arrows and stuff works pretty well and is fun after you get the hang of it.

So far I am definitely glad I bought it. Next to NGS this is my favorite PS3 game.

The game is stunning. Just played it yesterday for the first time at 720p on a 40" plasma.

The opening scene of the game is outstanding, very innovative and original, I've never seen anything like it.

Graphics are simply excellent. GT videos don't do it justice.

The Physics- I'm not sure if this was mentioned already, are some of the best I've seen to date. Not something you might expect to see in a game like this, but when you cleave a table in half and watch as the dozen objects that were on it fall off exactly as they should, or as you blast soldiers with your luancher and watch their rag doll bodies fly everywhere you'll understand.

The cutscenes use the best motion capturing I've seen in a game so far.

The characters are origianl and interesting.

Using the Sixaxis to guide arrows, cannon balls, and shields makes for great entertainment.

I haven't completed the game, I was playing it in a freinds house for a few hours, but I plan on picking it up very soon.


tylerdurden said:
A couple of months ago this was a definite day 1 purchase, but after the demo and a review average in the low 80's I decided to rent it first.

Anyways I was in Gamestop today to pick up another game and couldn't wait anymore. I literally wasted 20 minutes debating on whether or not to wait on Gamefly or purchase it. I ended up buying it and I am definitely glad I did.

Haven't played through the whole game yet, but here are my first impressions:
- I agree the combat system is better than GOW.
- The visuals are great
- Interesting cutscenes
- Using the sixaxis to guide arrows and stuff works pretty well and is fun after you get the hang of it.

So far I am definitely glad I bought it. Next to NGS this is my favorite PS3 game.

And that's exactly why I thought and still think IGN reviews are biaised and don't do justice to the game... plus the fact they let their reviews out three weeks prior to the game release really buggs me, as if it was done on purpose to discourage people from buying the game.

Heavenly Sword got a 7 "decent", come on they gave Blue Dragon a 7.9 "Good", but HS is definitely a 8+ with the best replay value (in my book : when you like a game to the point you want to play it again).

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The reviewer is a 13 year old american.

They love the xbox 360 more than anything. IGN lost my trust when they gave kingdom hearts 2 a 7.6, and they have the guts to give blue dragon a 7.9.

I think people that reviewed the game were being pretty biased I dont know who a game that is so amazing got something so low. Well an 8 isnt low but it deserves an 8.6 or 8.7



on the 3rd chapter now. I love how they mix up the nariko and kai levels. Its awesome, and the Genji 2 joke is classic.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

leo-j said:

The reviewer is a 13 year old american.

They love the xbox 360 more than anything. IGN lost my trust when they gave kingdom hearts 2 a 7.6, and they have the guts to give blue dragon a 7.9.

I think people that reviewed the game were being pretty biased I dont know who a game that is so amazing got something so low. Well an 8 isnt low but it deserves an 8.6 or 8.7

Chalk it up to personal preference. 

Pick your favorite game of all time and look for reviews of it.  There will almost always be a few guys/girls out there somewhere that gave it lower ratings not because the game was bad but because it wasn't the kind of game they enjoyed.

There's always going to be that one person who gives Heavenly Sword a 10/10 in their book because it's exactly the game they would love to play.  Likewise there's going to be someone who absolutely despises it.  That doesn't make either of their opinions wrong, just different.

No matter how objective or professional the reviewer you're reading is going to be, they're always going to have their own taste and it will show. 

At the end of the day, play the game yourself and decide for yourself how the game rates.  Take the useful information from the reveiws and leave the score at the door, you'll be much happier doing so.

Yes ofcourse, but a 7.6? Look Im not saying the kid that rated kh2 is a belunt idiot, Im just saying thats a terrible score for an amazing game. The score is so low that it makes it seem somewhat fanboyish.



I really enjoyed this game. My only complaints are the difficulty (far too easy even on hell mode) and length.

One of the things that really stood out for me was the actions of the enemy troops during final battle.

To explain: During the final battle you have several waves of enemies (about 100 in each) charge at you. By the time you are fighting the 3rd wave you will notice that there is a large group of enemies in a circle around you some distance away. At first i thought this was just poor AI and that it was to prevent too many people coming for you at once, however once I had cleared the enemies around me and began heading towards the other guys, to my surprice they began to run away, the was also a shout of she is coming this way" from one of them. A couple of them broke off to fight me and there was a shout of "don't encourage her". I think this is one of the most genuine displays of fear I have seen in a computer game.

My suggestions for the sequel are as follows.
1. Add a jump button
2. Don't make your best unlockables availabel over PSN
3. Sort out the difficulty: Defualt = easy, hell mode = medium, new mode = hard