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leo-j said:

The reviewer is a 13 year old american.

They love the xbox 360 more than anything. IGN lost my trust when they gave kingdom hearts 2 a 7.6, and they have the guts to give blue dragon a 7.9.

I think people that reviewed the game were being pretty biased I dont know who a game that is so amazing got something so low. Well an 8 isnt low but it deserves an 8.6 or 8.7

Chalk it up to personal preference. 

Pick your favorite game of all time and look for reviews of it.  There will almost always be a few guys/girls out there somewhere that gave it lower ratings not because the game was bad but because it wasn't the kind of game they enjoyed.

There's always going to be that one person who gives Heavenly Sword a 10/10 in their book because it's exactly the game they would love to play.  Likewise there's going to be someone who absolutely despises it.  That doesn't make either of their opinions wrong, just different.

No matter how objective or professional the reviewer you're reading is going to be, they're always going to have their own taste and it will show. 

At the end of the day, play the game yourself and decide for yourself how the game rates.  Take the useful information from the reveiws and leave the score at the door, you'll be much happier doing so.