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The game is stunning. Just played it yesterday for the first time at 720p on a 40" plasma.

The opening scene of the game is outstanding, very innovative and original, I've never seen anything like it.

Graphics are simply excellent. GT videos don't do it justice.

The Physics- I'm not sure if this was mentioned already, are some of the best I've seen to date. Not something you might expect to see in a game like this, but when you cleave a table in half and watch as the dozen objects that were on it fall off exactly as they should, or as you blast soldiers with your luancher and watch their rag doll bodies fly everywhere you'll understand.

The cutscenes use the best motion capturing I've seen in a game so far.

The characters are origianl and interesting.

Using the Sixaxis to guide arrows, cannon balls, and shields makes for great entertainment.

I haven't completed the game, I was playing it in a freinds house for a few hours, but I plan on picking it up very soon.