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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is MS paying devs to make better 360 versions of multiplats?

Exclusives such as MGS4, KZ2 and Uncharted have shown that the ps3 is, currently, the most powerful console. However, multiplats, in the past, have had better 360 versions. Therefore, with the 360 lacking 1st party games as an incentive to buy the console, is it possible that MS is paying devs to downgrade ps3 versions?

Initiating social expirement #928719281

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Wait, MS paid Sony to release a console with a complicated architecture and substandard development tools?


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Darc Requiem said:
Wait, MS paid Sony to release a console with a complicated architecture and substandard development tools?


I highly doubt MS has sunk to that level. The differences between 85% of multiplatform games are so minute that most gamer wouldn't even notice it. Not to mention the fact that there are multiplatforms that run better on PS3 as well.

I doubt it, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a developer saying so.  However, MS did bring some developers in the console war.  Those developers are the lazy ones that want to fight the future that is truly multi-threaded games/applications.

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I see that stupidity has reached a new low here on VGChartz...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
I see that stupidity has reached a new low here on VGChartz...

yup... my stupidometer says that it happened 1 ms after your post. Coincidence... i think not.

Initiating social expirement #928719281

No. Microsoft instead used money to build a better system for the developer. Since it's easier to produce a high-quality game on, developers can spend more time on making it the superior version.

Look at the cream of the crop PS3 games: They take far longer to make, and are far more costly than 360 games. That tells me that the development environment is preventing games from looking good without more resources being put on the project.

The Sega Saturn was a bit better than the Playstation 1 from an ability standpoint, but the PS1 always saw better looking games - why? Because the Saturn was hard to develop for, and most just used one of the two cores, leaving games looking inferior. Despite that, first-party megagames like Shenmue looked brilliant in their alphas on the Saturn.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Although there's no real proof, i somehow wouldnt be surprised if it were true. MS is so loaded im more surprised they havent tried buying out Sony and/or Nintendo lol.

MS should pay devs for quality exclusive games such as Kz2, MGS4...