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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is MS paying devs to make better 360 versions of multiplats?

I think they are. Like tekken 6 maxed out the 360 and needed to be compressed to fit on a dvd, although the dev said that ps3 and 360 version will be same, MS obviously paid them to downgrade the ps3 version. MS even delayed the release of FF so that both versions of the game could be released at the same time.


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786_ali said:

Exclusives such as MGS4, KZ2 and Uncharted have shown that the ps3 is, currently, the most powerful console. However, multiplats, in the past, have had better 360 versions. Therefore, with the 360 lacking 1st party games as an incentive to buy the console, is it possible that MS is paying devs to downgrade ps3 versions?



This is so stupid. Haven't you ever thought that it is cheaper and easier for devs to develop for the 360? Thats because it is. They are only paying extra for added content and usually you read about that from the gaming reports. The 360 version of Fallout 3 was superior in every way on the 360, because the 360 allows for better lighting and the control is more realistic.

hkKAZE said:

I think they are. Like tekken 6 maxed out the 360 and needed to be compressed to fit on a dvd, although the dev said that ps3 and 360 version will be same, MS obviously paid them to downgrade the ps3 version. MS even delayed the release of FF so that both versions of the game could be released at the same time.



Tekken 6 will not max out the 360. All this maxing out bullshit is getting on my nerves because neither HD systems have been close to being maxed out yet. If Tekken 6 could max out the 360 they wouldn't have opted for it to be multiplat.

786_ali said:

Exclusives such as MGS4, KZ2 and Uncharted have shown that the ps3 is, currently, the most powerful console. However, multiplats, in the past, have had better 360 versions. Therefore, with the 360 lacking 1st party games as an incentive to buy the console, is it possible that MS is paying devs to downgrade ps3 versions?

If you believe the OP. Opinion = Fact.

Bolded part: I disagree with. I could give you reasons but hey I can not be bothered listing the reasons.

If they did do this i would say they only do it on big releases or games they think will be big.

Assassins creed
Splinter cell

but in all honestly i really do doubt it

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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V-r0cK said:
Although there's no real proof, i somehow wouldnt be surprised if it were true. MS is so loaded im more surprised they havent tried buying out Sony and/or Nintendo lol.


They have tried that--they tried to buy Nintendo at the end of the last generation  

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

No its just because games are developed on the 360 and then ported to the Ps3 and of vise versa.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

No, X360 is just easier to work.






That's probably not the case. Check out the link in this thread, it's probably more of a developer mentality of "It's good enough". Learning how to make use of the ps3's internal workings just seems like too much work for lots of devs. Realistically, these difference in multiplatforms games are NOT going to be noticed by the vast majority of people who buy them, only those that can play games side by side, and are Looking for differences, will find any.

Haha, some threads should have never been started... sorry, but it's so ridiculous