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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is MS paying devs to make better 360 versions of multiplats?


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Unlikely. I think there are four factors that lead to this:

1) MS SDK and tools for developers were better initially (and perhaps still are to a degree). This is partly down to 360 1 year launch lead and partly down to MS having plenty of experience in this area as SW company vs Sony as an electronics company

2) 360 design is easier for a lot of developers to get to grips with, particularly developers like Epic, etc. who were already familiar with PC.

3) 360 year lead meant developers had a head start with that system vs PS3. This is diminishing now but I think the aftershocks of this are still rippling around a lot of multiplat developers

4) Sony initially left developers more to their own devices - with basic SDK and development support.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

@all the people who are attacking me: I don't think that MS is actually paying the devs. My post was merely a question. I read a similar thread on a different forum so I decided to find out what you think.

Initiating social expirement #928719281

you've got to be kidding me right? Why would MS waste money on something like that first of all. Second of all MS doesn't do all this throwing money around to land exsclusives like people claim they do. FFXIII was always going to go multi-plat since the gen really started, trust me on that. And the real reason why multi-plats do so much better on the 360 is simply because it is much easier to develop for. The PS3 does have more power that is true but it also has much more complicated architecture.

I dont think Microsoft or any other company would ever fall to that kind of level.

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I think OP is right!

MS "PAID" to make better development tools and provide simpler system architecture to 3rd party devs...those assholes!

disolitude said:
I think OP is right!

MS "PAID" to make better development tools and provide simpler system architecture to 3rd party devs...those assholes!

Can anyone confirm this? I find it appalling.

That may be the case, sadly, disolitude.

Microsoft should go back to their drawing board, and try to become a better company like Sony.

I suggest their next system emulates the PS3 - $1,000, and a bunch of strange hardware components that developers have never seen before.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
That may be the case, sadly, disolitude.

Microsoft should go back to their drawing board, and try to become a better company like Sony.

I suggest their next system emulates the PS3 - $1,000, and a bunch of strange hardware components that developers have never seen before.

Hardware components that devs never seen before??. What is that suppose to mean - more like new technology,  360 relies on old hardware i know but the liitle modern components they have are taken from PS3



KAZE - I'm talking about adding technology that throws developers for a big curve. Such as the PPEs in the Playstation 3. Rather than using technology that developers can grasp quickly, they decide to use something that few, if any, companies would ever adopt outside of Sony forcing them to on the PS3.

Why doesn't Microsoft force developers to code all their games in Assembler? or QBasic? That may make it a better challenge.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.