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Forums - Website Topics - do you feel insecure when nobody responds to your threads or quotes you?

i do.

it makes me feel like i have nothing to add and/or nobody cares about me. i hate feeling that way. i hate how everybody responds to rol no matter what he says but when its me nobody cares.

to all the non popular vgchartz goers, are you jealous of big figures like rol?

i am.

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Not really, I usually know if the thread I make will have a lot of post or not. As long as there's a lot of views it's find with me.

And it doesn't bother me either if people don't quote me, most of the time if you get quoted it's because of something you said is wrong, or a lot of people disagree with it. It's not to often you get a quote thats a good positive comment to something you wrote.

angrypoolman said:

i do.

it makes me feel like i have nothing to add and/or nobody cares about me. i hate feeling that way. i hate how everybody responds to rol no matter what he says but when its me nobody cares.

to all the non popular vgchartz goers, are you jealous of big figures like rol?

i am.

Just stay and post more, throw your opinion around, or be a SONY FANBOY we always get noticed....

Don't worry angrypoolman

Be happy to know that I got your back.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

It often happens to me when I make threads about the Iphone, and Iphone gaming.

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Well for me when something like that happens (which it has once or twice) I don’t feel insecure I just tell my self that what I made was not interesting enough to get a response from others.

I made a thread about aquariums once hehe but there wasn’t that many who responded.

If you post cool news you will get more responses but the thing is you have to be fast hehe and sometimes it is not that easy .

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Two things:

1, how can you expect to be known or people to care what you think when you haven't built any credibility?

2, if your self-esteem is that rapped up in how many people notice you on an internet forum that's pretty sad.

oh and on topic, yeah I am a little jealous (never said I wasn't a hypocrite)

Currently dreaming of: DKC4 or Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (classic 2D platformers) for WiiWare, Smash Bros. for DSi, New Super Mario World for DSi, a Wii remake or true sequel of Final Fantasy Tactics.

One down, hopefully more awesomeness to come.

lol. i love this website. its so fun. now that im getting responses im getting all tingly inside and i feel like people care about me.

now if only someone like rol posted in this thread, then this topic would really blow up! :D!!

too bad hes not online. =[

Who is Rol again?

lol... I went there..


1. Wii will never reach 50% market share.

2. Kz2 will sell 1.3 first week 3.5 LT.
Sales predictions for 09.

Wii - 69 - 72
PS3 - 32 - 34
X360 - 39 - 41

SJGohan3972 said:
Two things:

1, how can you expect to be known or people to care what you think when you haven't built any credibility?

2, if your self-esteem is that rapped up in how many people notice you on an internet forum that's pretty sad.

oh and on topic, yeah I am a little jealous (never said I wasn't a hypocrite)


 seven things:

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. d

5. e

6. f

7. nobody cares about you