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Forums - Gaming Discussion - No Gaming Character would ever stand a chance against Kratos.

Khuutra has owned this thread.

I stand by this though as my main choice...



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Khuutra said:
Is this another case where people come in, read the OP, and reply without reading anything else?

Also I remembered someone who could take down Reggie and Iwata:

Couldn't find a decent sized pic of him with the Master Sword.



Extremely unfair that he comes tagged along with Mario and Luigi...but a very good choice.

If only we weren't bent on destroying each other... we could so easily take over the universe.

Wait a second, can Miyamoto turn super saiyan? Imagine him holding the master sword with super saiyan hair. (QUICK, someone make it happen!)


Imagine if him and Reggie learned the my mind might explode from just finishing that sentence.

wfz said:
Khuutra said:
Is this another case where people come in, read the OP, and reply without reading anything else?

Also I remembered someone who could take down Reggie and Iwata:

Couldn't find a decent sized pic of him with the Master Sword.



Extremely unfair that he comes tagged along with Mario and Luigi...but a very good choice.

If only we weren't bent on destroying each other... we could so easily take over the universe.

Wait a second, can Miyamoto turn super saiyan? Imagine him holding the master sword with super saiyan hair. (QUICK, someone make it happen!)

Imagine if him and Reggie learned the my mind might explode from just finishing that sentence.



Miyamoto probably was blessed by Ness (Buhda/supreme Kai) with Mystic so his awakened power is higher than SS3 at his base. Yes Gohan was that strong at base.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Mystic Miyamoto or not, I still want to see this pic with crazy yellow hair going every which-a-way.


Around the Network
Khuutra said:

Mystic Miyamoto or not, I still want to see this pic with crazy yellow hair going every which-a-way.


Thanks for giving me credit for digging my ass through all of the interwebs to find that picture for you.


You're welcome.

Kratos is basically invincible.
He's A God that has grown 20ft high before, he could kill you with his mind lol




Khuutra said:




See everyone, this is what happens when you threaten to show Khuutra what it would look like if Miyamoto and Reggie did a fus--


I can't finish the sentence.

Garnett said:
Garnett said:
Pfft the guy in thebackground from Wii sports is bad ass!



So much bad ass!

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Mii ^

Mii can eat just one Lay's potato Chip.

There are no races, only countries of people Mii has beaten to different shades of black and blue.

Mii CAN believe it's not butter.

If tapped, a Mii roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes.