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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Nothing to look foward to on the 360?

If more Crackdown is announced, I will be a happy camper. ODST and Crackdown == happy times.

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hatmoza 2.0 said:
^Haha! check my album .
If you need more proof, look 3 posts above yours.


Saying you own a 360 and putting 360 games in your collection proves you have a Xbox 360? . . lol no.


Im not mad at nightsurge or legend11 for not believing i had  a 360 .
but seece, you are just a dumb mother fucker if you still dont believe it.

hatmoza 2.0 said:

Please convince me why i should keep my 360 when the only game I've touched for the last year is Halo3 .


1. Modern Warfare 2

2. Splinter Cell Conviction

3. Assassin's Creed 2

4. Bioshock 2

5. Fight Night Round 4

6. Halo OSDT

7. Gears of War 3 (2010?)

8. Final Fantasy 13 (if your into that)

9. Mass Effect 2 (if your into that)

10. Prototype


There, I just gave you 10 reasons to keep your 360. FF13 and ME2 look pretty bad, but you may be into RPG's.

@seece: wow, u made a similar thread about GDC and how MS failed and everyone disagreed with u , why is it not acceptable for others to do the same??

@hatmoza : dude, u don't have to prove anything, let fanboys get annoyed by an opinion .

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This will probably be a more interesting thread to post after E3.

blackstar said:
@seece: wow, u made a similar thread about GDC and how MS failed and everyone disagreed with u , why is it not acceptable for others to do the same??

@hatmoza : dude, u don't have to prove anything, let fanboys get annoyed by an opinion .

I'm not saying Microsoft isn't delivering, I'm not even saying I'm excited for anything coming up.


But I didn't speak for the entire 360 userbase. Big difference.



hatmoza 2.0 said:

Im not mad at nightsurge or legend11 for not believing i had  a 360 .
but seece, you are just a dumb mother fucker if you still dont believe it.


Why should anyone believe you?!


Hopefully you will get a long ban this time


sell it, buddy get a wii it has way more great games



 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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god bless america,..god bless microsoft.....



''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡