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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Motion control comming to the 360 this Fall


hello how are you.

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As I've been saying every time a motion for the PS360 story comes up.

This will not take off in any significant way

* Too little, too late - 360 games are all designed around a conventional controller

* No 1st or 3rd party support. For this to take off, it would have to be bundled with every 360 instead of the conventional controller, 3rd parties have no reason to exclude the tens of millions of 360 owners that don't own one of these

* It is merely sixaxis technology, it lacks the pointer function that makes the Wii so good for in depth games, and cannot compete with a Wiimote w/ Wiimotion+ or even a Wiimote + nunchuk in terms of degrees of motion

* The button configuration is horrible, and there are too few buttons for full games - 4 buttons, a d pad and then some start etc buttons. That's useless for the majority of games. The mote+nunchuk has 6 buttons, a bjillion more motion sensitive functions, d pad and control stick.

It Begun.
Welcome to the new generation

Nice a Wii mote with a 360 D Pad. Oh wait...

"They think I'm crazy, but I know better. It is not I who am crazy, it is I who am MAD!"



"Bolshe, luchshe, I kruche"


How about at least TRYING to come up with your own idea? Even then, you make the controller look like a Wiimote? And no I'm not being sarcastic. I've defended Microsoft's idea-stealing ass for too long now. I'm sick of this shit.

I DON'T WANT WII GAMES ON MY 360, I WANT 360 GAMES ON MY 360! They can't even be unoriginal correctly!

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Uh, Shadowblind? It's a 3rd party controller. MS has nothing to do with it

Shadowblind said:


How about at least TRYING to come up with your own idea? Even then, you make the controller look like a Wiimote? And no I'm not being sarcastic. I've defended Microsoft's idea-stealing ass for too long now. I'm sick of this shit.

I DON'T WANT WII GAMES ON MY 360, I WANT 360 GAMES ON MY 360! They can't even be unoriginal correctly!


Well, that sure is interesting...

scottie said:
Uh, Shadowblind? It's a 3rd party controller. MS has nothing to do with it

Oh god Thank you! You just made my day! :P

Forgive me for that last post then, but take that as a hypothetical reply to what I MIGHT say if MS copies Nintendo next gen. Innovation...Microsoft needs to brush up on it.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Not interested but it was inevitably going to happen. Wonder if licensing fees swayed their choice of platform for initial launch, of course it could be userbase totals, greater perceived casual base or perhaps Microsoft just money hatted them ;).

I really am not into motion controls of any kind, though this does sound liek it might be marginally more accurate than the Wii's pathetic infrared sensor bar. (seriously if you think that thing works well, you really need to give an analog stick or better yet a mouse a shot once in a while)

Regardless though, this is too little too late and no one will use it imo.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it