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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Motion control comming to the 360 this Fall

^^^ play a good Wii game and you will see the Wii remote works great.


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ECC said:
^^^ play a good Wii game and you will see the Wii remote works great.

But not for shooters (CoD series especially blows on the Wii).  And this thing is going to be much more precise than the Wii remote.


@ nightsurge - Metroid prime 3, HOTD, RE4, RE:UC, Links Xbow training, the Conduit (from early runthroughs), red steel, CoD5 all want to talk to you

i find the nintendo fans in this thread funny.

relax, this isn't a threat no need to be so defensive

seece said:
atma998 said:
seece said:
yanamaster said:
seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:


that game looks horrible!

Well no actualy gameplay was shown so I guess we're both wrong ... anyway it looks more creative and fun that Wii Sports ... or Wii Play whichever one its trying to be.


So we have no actual gameplay yet you say it looks more creative than wiisports and the rest?

....i wonder if you understand just how stupid that comment was. Make a claim like that after we've seen more than a cg movie.


I'm going by the fact it has charm and is much easier on the eye, the basics of the game are going to be much the same as Wii Play/sports. If not better because its updated tech.


Oh please! Stop trolling...


Its my opinion the game looks more fun than Wii Sports/Play ...


mine too but i think he feels alittle threatened. no other reason than that to be that defensive . he shouldnt feel that way since i think itll bomb

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scottie said:
@ nightsurge - Metroid prime 3, HOTD, RE4, RE:UC, Links Xbow training, the Conduit (from early runthroughs), red steel, CoD5 all want to talk to you

I've talked to them and as far as shooters using the Wii remote, they sucked.  Red stell?  Hahahahahahaha....  Metroid Prime 3?  It worked ok, but keepin the aiming reticule in the center would have been smarter.  Actually, RE is about the only game that I could see being good for the Wii remote.

Must just be a difference in opinions, because from the day I played Red Steel, all dual analogue stick shooters became barely playable to me.

Prime 3 controls get an 'ok' from you?? wtf

scottie said:
Must just be a difference in opinions, because from the day I played Red Steel, all dual analogue stick shooters became barely playable to me.

Prime 3 controls get an 'ok' from you?? wtf

Yep.  If the aimer had been locked in the center and just moved as you moved the remote, it would have been better.  Forcing you to point all the way to the edge to get the screen to move was awkward for a shooter.

^^Now explain how the HOTD controls sucked and would have been better with analog.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Great! Shovelware for X360 and PS3 confirmed! This is looking way too good.