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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are you happy with your Wii?

I'm happy with my Wii mainly b/c I got MadWorld and I'm goin' to get Okami soon. I just got a 37 inch plasma tv and the the games look really good on it. I can't wait for The Conduit and the other games coming out for the Wii.


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FKNetwork said:
Nope, hate it with a passion, worst out of the three current gen consoles (I own all three), if it wasn't for my girlfriend using wii fit it would have been gone ages ago,

Actually embarrassed to say I own one! most of my friends laugh when I say I own one so shows how childish people think they are (and they are true),

It sounds like you need to get more grown up friends.


Anyways, yes, I do enjoy the Wii, as I have no reason to hate the thing.


If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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Wii = the best console with mates cant beat it. PS3 / 360 = lets sit around and make some spots on our faces and not shower or answer when talked to in front of the monitor all night. :P

"...the best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

"Hey, Steve, just because you broke into Xerox's house before I did and took the TV doesn't mean I can't go in later and take the stereo." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

Bill Gates had Mac prototypes to work from, and he was known to be obsessed with trying to make Windows as good as SAND (Steve's Amazing New Device), as a Microsoft exec named it. It was the Mac that Microsoft took for its blueprint on how to make a GUI.


""Windows [n.] - A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.""

I enjoy my Wii, it's has a lot of cool unique games that you'll never find on the other consoles. I also have a ps3 which I enjoy for completely different reasons. This allows me to get the best of both worlds.

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

I own more game for the wii then my 360..there are more games that i want on the wii then the yes i am quite happy with the Wii... not happy that my wallet has a lack of money because of me wii...but i guess youll have

"Tell me why does it have to be so hard

to let go when it?s your final day

...When death is on it's way"

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bardicverse said:
@OP - The Wii isn't referred to as a "kiddie" console. The term has changed to "Casualz" The "kiddie" naming died last gen. =)

Onto a proper response, I enjoy the "hardcore games", like Madword, RE4, REUC, HotD, COD5, MoH2, Bully, etc quite a bit, and do a bit of "casual" gaming, like Wii Fit and Wii Sports. My Wii gets a ton of use, and anything I miss that doesn't come to the Wii, I get for the PC. So yes, Im happy with my Wii and my choices overall this gen.


Oh no over the past week I've seen a resurgance of Wii being for kids, amazing stuff I say.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Very happy. Now is the time to be happy with your wii more than ever.

No. The graphics are underwhelming (they suck even compared to the GC) and the motion control is not as precise as I thought it would be. Maybe with m+ things will change.






I love my wii first party games. 3rd some of the shovelware is entertaining but I wish they'd put more effort in making the games good.

Yes, a lot :)