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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

badgenome said:
Carl2291 said:

Did you complete Mothership Zeta fully yet?

Not yet. I'm not too far in... just let the samurai, cowboy, and medic out of stasis.

Ahh, id advise looking absolutely everywhere and at everything possible while you are walking around that part of the ship.

I missed some special weapons and couldn't find even half of the recordings


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Does anyone think they can defeat me in Gears of War 2???

Carl2291 said:
badgenome said:
Carl2291 said:

Did you complete Mothership Zeta fully yet?

Not yet. I'm not too far in... just let the samurai, cowboy, and medic out of stasis.

Ahh, id advise looking absolutely everywhere and at everything possible while you are walking around that part of the ship.

I missed some special weapons and couldn't find even half of the recordings

Yeah, I'm taking it slow. I think I've got 16/25 recordings so far, so I think I should be able wrap it up with far less trouble than I had finding all the ingots (or even the intel from Operation Anchorage). Haven't found any special weapons yet, but I will keep an eye out for them!

NeoRatt said:
Just a question for everyone...

I have noticed that one of the gamers in the league has really moved up the charts this year. The person has received more gamerscore this year so far then any other gamer in the league. I do not award the person any league points because the gamertag is not able to be viewed with the privacy settings are turned on for the account. Also, since the privacy settings are turned on, none of the games the person plays show up on MGC and therefore do not count to the 20 for games to become platinum or receive platinum award. The person is in the league but, only their total score is counting.

Given that the person is probably going to be #2 in the league gamerscore rank (or very close to it) by the end of this year, I want your feedback as to what we should or should not do.

Just a note: The gamer has scored about 7,000 more points then RONSTER316 over the season.

7000 more points than me....................... holy sh*t.

Up until my recent holiday i had a 360 a work that i went halves to buying with the day staff.

I have put some serious hours in to the 360 whilst at work and some fairly serious hours in to it whilst at home aswell.

If i have been eating, drinking and sleeping 360 for the last 7 months then he must have been putting some mega, monster & enormous hours in to his 360 aswell.

Well, the honeymoon period is over for me, the contract on the site that i was working at has ended.

Back to working at various places until the next decent contract come along (if another decent one ever does comes along)

Kills from horde are definitely included, otherwise my kdr would be about 0.8.

Anyway, I am done with Gears of War 2 forever, I am just sick of the game. I did have 1 or 2 decent horde games this weekend, but most people just suck. I am level 25, 1300g, and that is enough

Around the Network

Don't forget the king of sidescroller beat-em ups comes out tommorow, TMNT: Turtles In Time. Sure to dominate in sales due to it's greatness and replayability. Only the mentally unstable will not buy this game soon after it comes out.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
JPL78 said:
Grahamhsu said:

@JPL OMG no one plays ranked wth >< been waiting for a ranked match for 4 minutes. So far I've only got to play 1... just need 49 more wins -_-


edit: wow it's going to be impossible getting 50 one character victories...I found another ranked match he took an all SF team I knew he was boned straight off. I kill his Ryu in 8 seconds he rage quits on my ass immediately -_-

I've played about 5 ranked and all of them found an opponent within 30 seconds.  Maybe you just hit a bad time.


I know what you mean about that achievement.  That is clearly the hardest one to get.  And you have to use 50 unique teams in accomplishing it don't you?

I also keep glitching out of the menu...grr this has happened to me like 6 times already. I've resorted to creating matches, joining is just too hard, also seems like disconnectors tend to play late night. OMG the menu just glitched on me again for the 3rd time. I'm done with Marvel today -_-

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Ronster316 said:
NeoRatt said:

7000 more points than me....................... holy sh*t.

Up until my recent holiday i had a 360 a work that i went halves to buying with the day staff.

I have put some serious hours in to the 360 whilst at work and some fairly serious hours in to it whilst at home aswell.

If i have been eating, drinking and sleeping 360 for the last 7 months then he must have been putting some mega, monster & enormous hours in to his 360 aswell.

Well, the honeymoon period is over for me, the contract on the site that i was working at has ended.

Back to working at various places until the next decent contract come along (if another decent one ever does comes along)

I know some guys with inferiority complex (not you) would love to see me out of this league, but trust me it is all about skills and time management.

1) Plan everything ahead. Use xbox360achievements and gamefaqs guides, get a notebook to keep track of collectibles or other important stats if the game does not have a stats screen, look for the average time for completion and make your goal to do it in 30-50% less time, make a good schedule for your playtime so it does not get in the way of work, studies, drinking or girlfriend time.

2) If possible do all in one (or the minimun possible) playthrough. Try to start on the hardest level if achievements stack. Examples:
SH Homecoming - start on hard, collect everything, save before the important choices on different save slots, finish the game, reload untill you get all endings, start a new game, collect the extra guns and you done it in less than 7 hours (half of the average guy).
Dead Space - I started on easy and got every possible achievement save for one gun. I managed to reach stage 6 using only one gun. I saved on a different slot, finished the game, started a new game + on easy and upgraded every weapon. Reloaded my old save and got the one gun. Started a fresh new game on the hardest level and finished the game. All done in 2.5 playthroughs.
Last Remnant - guides say I need 130 hours. I am almost done with the game and I spent less than 30 hours. The stat grinding guide saved me almost 100 hours. By the time I finish it, it will be 40 hours.
Blue Dragon - of the 20 or so hours needed to get all classes to the max I was not even playing the game. I did one of the youtube auto level tricks. I did an average on how much SP I got in 5 minutes and then how much it would take for me to reach the max level. I would check on the game every 2-3 hours, chance the characters classes and let the game play itself. I also got all the missable achievements the first time around to avoid playing that crappy game again.
Fallout 3 - save before you level up to get all (neutral, evil, good) karma achievements in one playthough. Use the perk to discover locations instead of doing the dirty work yourself. Save before doing a quest, do it in the laziest and fastest way, like killing someone or telling lies, get the achievement and reload so you can do the quest the proper way (if you care) later.
Terminator Salvation - start on hard, get a partner to play co-op (I played single), wait 3 hours, throw the game away and never play it anymore.
Wanted - there are glitches that make you get achievements that would require 3 extra playthroughs. I know some glitches may get you banned, but I saw those on xbox360achievements and considering how much they are against game saving or other exploits, I think those must be "ok" or at least not bad enough to get me banned.

3) Speed is key. Skip dialogues, cutscenes and don`t fool around in shitty games. I did not pay much attention to the plot in CSI hard evidence, Lost, Avatar (this one I did not even finish), King Kong, TMNT, Cabela and most kid games (Shrek, Bolt, Kung Fu Panda). Just rush thru the game and never play it again. Crappy games like Eternal Sonata and Infinite Undiscovery can be finished in  less than 1/3 of your original playtime if you skip the cutscenes and know your way around. It is a dirty work and I am not proud of it, so I get it done ASAP. In good games check if there are missable achievements and pay attention to the guides to avoid backtracking because you missed a key item or event.

4) Just like Wolverine, I am the best in what I do (or at least one of the best 5). You need skill to get some achievements and even more skill to get then fast. In Bullet Witch I finished Hell mode (4-5 playthrough required) before I got the achievement for 15 hours of playtime. I had to leave the game on for another 3 hours. I got the no deaths achievement in Prototype on my first go. In RPGs I am always 5-10 levels below the recommended. I run from most battles and level up only when the experience is good enough to get me 1 level in less than 4 battles. I usually ignore everything that is not miss forever untill the end of the game, when I can get it in half the time it would take. The less time you spend selecting the retry option the faster you will be done with the game.

There is no trick. I work, study and expend some quality time with my friends and the chicks that are drunk enough to believe me. If you plan what to do with your time you can get 2-3k a week with less than 30 hours of playtime.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

^^ There is no point explaining unless you're going to remove your privacy settings....


@Itsamii yep I could see 2-3k doing that but is it even enjoyable for you to play these "crappy games" and rush through everything.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-