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Forums - Sony Discussion - Gameinformer:Killzone 2 impression

These are direct words from the gameinformer magazine:


"It's hard to declare killzone 2 an innovative success on a gameplay level, even though all the elements of a solid FPS are firmly in place. Instead, the triumph on display is a technical marvel, with amazingly detailed characters and gritty backgrounds that are easy to pause and marvel at. To our eyes, this early version of the game does justice to a promise that many in the industry thought was impossible standard only two years ago. It's a testament to how fast the gaming world rolls forward. In the next few months, several other games are likely to set a new high bar for gamers' expectation, and only the release of this sequal will reveal if it's up to the challenge. One way or the other, even our brief hours with the game was enough to conclude that PS3 owners have atleast one new AAA title to call their own next year.


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Killzone 2 looks WAY better than Halo 3

Only game on the ps3 that i want to play...

RAcCoOnErOuS said:
Killzone 2 looks WAY better than Halo 3

Only game on the ps3 that i want to play...

 But you know what Halo is more about bigger enviroments, and Killzone looks more like close combat game "a la" Gears Of W. But hey I find it visually sttuning, and the same time I am a little worried about that, looks great but they need to put a lot of efford in the game play to avoid the... "Lair Effect"... 

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Obviously being an innovative success on a gameplay level isn't required to be certain a game is AAA anymore.

All our worries are over, because innovation (which is a precious and limited resource) is no longer needed to make great games, thanks to the advent of detail and grit.

Never again will our gameplaying be bounded by the hungry demands of our imaginations: Physics will take care of that. Soon all games will achieve this technical zenith, and there will be no need for anything new ever again. We will all have reached a state of computational Nirvana, where the demon that is creativity has finally been slain.

So they are saying it is a great game for now, but in a couple of years it will be average? However I suppose it is hard to complain when something that people think is very good becomes the norm.

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Killzone 2 is just running off hype as the first one did early on. Unless they actually make a good game it'll fail like the first one.

I'm hoping it'll be a good game but ya just don't know. The whole starting concept for Killzone was simply to make a stereotypical sci fi shooter to counter Halo. And it just seems to be staying that way. The article states that in there.

RAcCoOnErOuS said:
Killzone 2 looks WAY better than Halo 3

Only game on the ps3 that i want to play...

You know it may look better, but is it as fun, now thats where you cant know is it?
I hope it doesnts flop like the first one

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
bugmenot said:
Obviously being an innovative success on a gameplay level isn't required to be certain a game is AAA anymore.

All our worries are over, because innovation (which is a precious and limited resource) is no longer needed to make great games, thanks to the advent of detail and grit.

Never again will our gameplaying be bounded by the hungry demands of our imaginations: Physics will take care of that. Soon all games will achieve this technical zenith, and there will be no need for anything new ever again. We will all have reached a state of computational Nirvana, where the demon that is creativity has finally been slain.

 QFT.  The fact that they said its so great but without any meaningful changes to the regular old standard FPS concerns me.  Lets face it, development resources are limited as are budgets.  Imagine if they put some of those resources on gameplay vs "OMG graphix" then maybe we wouldn't see things like Lair.

darconi said:
bugmenot said:
Obviously being an innovative success on a gameplay level isn't required to be certain a game is AAA anymore.

All our worries are over, because innovation (which is a precious and limited resource) is no longer needed to make great games, thanks to the advent of detail and grit.

Never again will our gameplaying be bounded by the hungry demands of our imaginations: Physics will take care of that. Soon all games will achieve this technical zenith, and there will be no need for anything new ever again. We will all have reached a state of computational Nirvana, where the demon that is creativity has finally been slain.

 QFT.  The fact that they said its so great but without any meaningful changes to the regular old standard FPS concerns me.  Lets face it, development resources are limited as are budgets.  Imagine if they put some of those resources on gameplay vs "OMG graphix" then maybe we wouldn't see things like Lair.

They've spent 40+ Million on this game.  I've heard estimates of 60 million or so.  I'm sure it'll have something new to bring FPS wise that just isn't aparant.  At the very least the controls should be extremely fine tuned.  If not they'll just end up going in the hole a lot of money.

Kasz216 said:
darconi said:
bugmenot said:
Obviously being an innovative success on a gameplay level isn't required to be certain a game is AAA anymore.

All our worries are over, because innovation (which is a precious and limited resource) is no longer needed to make great games, thanks to the advent of detail and grit.

Never again will our gameplaying be bounded by the hungry demands of our imaginations: Physics will take care of that. Soon all games will achieve this technical zenith, and there will be no need for anything new ever again. We will all have reached a state of computational Nirvana, where the demon that is creativity has finally been slain.

QFT. The fact that they said its so great but without any meaningful changes to the regular old standard FPS concerns me. Lets face it, development resources are limited as are budgets. Imagine if they put some of those resources on gameplay vs "OMG graphix" then maybe we wouldn't see things like Lair.

They've spent 40+ Million on this game. I've heard estimates of 60 million or so. I'm sure it'll have something new to bring FPS wise that just isn't aparant. At the very least the controls should be extremely fine tuned. If not they'll just end up going in the hole a lot of money.

 I'm pretty sure I heard that Killzone 3 will hold the record of most expensive game ever with a crazy size budget.  Unfortunately more money doesn't necessarily equal better, after all, I think Lair was a 25 mil game?  Until we know more about the game, we'll have to settle with what the preview says which is that there's little unique.