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These are direct words from the gameinformer magazine:


"It's hard to declare killzone 2 an innovative success on a gameplay level, even though all the elements of a solid FPS are firmly in place. Instead, the triumph on display is a technical marvel, with amazingly detailed characters and gritty backgrounds that are easy to pause and marvel at. To our eyes, this early version of the game does justice to a promise that many in the industry thought was impossible standard only two years ago. It's a testament to how fast the gaming world rolls forward. In the next few months, several other games are likely to set a new high bar for gamers' expectation, and only the release of this sequal will reveal if it's up to the challenge. One way or the other, even our brief hours with the game was enough to conclude that PS3 owners have atleast one new AAA title to call their own next year.

