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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - BioWare Expands Mass Effect 2 Team

DMeisterJ said:
badgenome said:
DMeisterJ said:
mrstickball said:
Any game that has the scope of Mass Effect vs. the scope of KZ2 can't really be compared. One has all the fighting done in small, tight corridors, the other is beyond epic, spanning star systems, planets, and cities.

I wonder if this 30 person addition is to push for a November-December 2009 timeframe?

Or the 30 person addition is for the PS3 port.

Sounds like a lot of people for a port. Especially for a nonexistant one.

Well, PS3 would have to get ME1 also, and you know how notoriously hard the PS3 is to work with.

True. Although that's a feature, not a bug!


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good. this better be an epic game


selnor said:
DMeisterJ said:
mrstickball said:
Any game that has the scope of Mass Effect vs. the scope of KZ2 can't really be compared. One has all the fighting done in small, tight corridors, the other is beyond epic, spanning star systems, planets, and cities.

I wonder if this 30 person addition is to push for a November-December 2009 timeframe?

Or the 30 person addition is for the PS3 port.


 One problem with that. IGN have taken all PS3 stuff to do with ME2 down. Also March 2 2009 IGN's main article about this new 30 people states on their homepage " The 360 exclusive Mass Effect 2" so it looks like there will be an announcement shortly. I wonder if IGN will be in trouble for doing it early?

Serious clutching onto straws right there buddy if you are going to use IGN to say ME2 is 360 exclusive. The new PSP confirmations and Kidacuras also being confirmed for the Wii from them shows the only good thing they are good for is reviewing games (even that is a stretch.)



Anyone else gettin the vibe that they're killing off sheppard so the story will make more sense to PS3 owners? Smells like lost exclusitivity to me :) anyways this will be an amazing game regardless of platform

Long Live SHIO!

DMeisterJ said:
mrstickball said:
Any game that has the scope of Mass Effect vs. the scope of KZ2 can't really be compared. One has all the fighting done in small, tight corridors, the other is beyond epic, spanning star systems, planets, and cities.

I wonder if this 30 person addition is to push for a November-December 2009 timeframe?

Or the 30 person addition is for the PS3 port.

So much for you, like Sony, not commenting on rumours and speculation...


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
antfromtashkent said:
to tell you the truth i actually dont see how Killzone 2 is better graphics than Masseffect.... maybie its just me... *ponders*


 Are you serious? Killzones graphics destroy ME's. ME was a gameplay and storyboard achievement but was still visually pleasing. The next one should be better.


Not to me ME's colourful clean graphics>>>>>KZ2's dirty grey emo graphics.

ME2 will be EPICCCC

RPG said:
selnor said:
DMeisterJ said:
mrstickball said:
Any game that has the scope of Mass Effect vs. the scope of KZ2 can't really be compared. One has all the fighting done in small, tight corridors, the other is beyond epic, spanning star systems, planets, and cities.

I wonder if this 30 person addition is to push for a November-December 2009 timeframe?

Or the 30 person addition is for the PS3 port.


 One problem with that. IGN have taken all PS3 stuff to do with ME2 down. Also March 2 2009 IGN's main article about this new 30 people states on their homepage " The 360 exclusive Mass Effect 2" so it looks like there will be an announcement shortly. I wonder if IGN will be in trouble for doing it early?

Serious clutching onto straws right there buddy if you are going to use IGN to say ME2 is 360 exclusive. The new PSP confirmations and Kidacuras also being confirmed for the Wii from them shows the only good thing they are good for is reviewing games (even that is a stretch.)


I couldnt care less if it is on PS3. I hope it is because more people will enjoy one of the best games this gen has to offer.

It was IGN that started the PS3 rumours for the game. showing it in PS3 section yada yada yada. They also fueled the fire with many dev interviews prying to get and answer. Funny how they have gone COMPLETELY against that now and actually use the words 360 exclusive.

Seems to me other people are the ones clutching to straws.


selnor said:
RPG said:
selnor said:
DMeisterJ said:
mrstickball said:
Any game that has the scope of Mass Effect vs. the scope of KZ2 can't really be compared. One has all the fighting done in small, tight corridors, the other is beyond epic, spanning star systems, planets, and cities.

I wonder if this 30 person addition is to push for a November-December 2009 timeframe?

Or the 30 person addition is for the PS3 port.


 One problem with that. IGN have taken all PS3 stuff to do with ME2 down. Also March 2 2009 IGN's main article about this new 30 people states on their homepage " The 360 exclusive Mass Effect 2" so it looks like there will be an announcement shortly. I wonder if IGN will be in trouble for doing it early?

Serious clutching onto straws right there buddy if you are going to use IGN to say ME2 is 360 exclusive. The new PSP confirmations and Kidacuras also being confirmed for the Wii from them shows the only good thing they are good for is reviewing games (even that is a stretch.)

I couldnt care less if it is on PS3. I hope it is because more people will enjoy one of the best games this gen has to offer.

It was IGN that started the PS3 rumours for the game. showing it in PS3 section yada yada yada. They also fueled the fire with many dev interviews prying to get and answer. Funny how they have gone COMPLETELY against that now and actually use the words 360 exclusive.

Seems to me other people are the ones clutching to straws.

Very true...


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS