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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: Future Xbox 360 Exclusives Will Surpass Killzone 2 [Graphically]

i think uncharted 2 will look better then KZ2, now why with a year head star havent they come up with better games ? and why only gears is in that league?
sony has many games that look superb like Uncharted, metal gear and now kill zone but in the future game will look better and we have proof because we have seen uncharted and GT5 so will have to wait and see if MS delivers

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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its scary how people actually care. the graphics are amazing. why do they need to continuosly get more and more amazing?

jesus kung fu magic said:

The J man gives it to uncharted in animations (barely) but lighting is part of aesthetics (just because its lighter doesnt mean its better) and in textures its no contest , gears 2 is far superior in textures compared to uncharted.



Not just because it's lighter - Uncharted has lots of dark areas - but because of better dynamic shadowing.

As for textures, far superior? Not really. Compare real screenshots (not bullshots) and you'll see that as I said before Gears' textures are more flashy and full of hard edges and sheen, that Uncharted's are more subdued and only uses the reflections on wet rocks and walls, but in the end most of the difference is in the style, not in the detail.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

Squilliam said:
Jordahn said:
Microsoft could have easily said:

"Sony's Killzone 2 is an impressive graphical title, but our Gears of War 2 still sets the bar for graphical acheivement."

This would have been respectable because Gears of War 2 is still a graphically impressive looking game, and it appease the 360 fanboys. But Microsoft didn't take this route maybe because it's undeniable to them as well so the 360 fanboys here are scraping for excuses (the real trolls in this thread). Fact of the matter, Killzone 2 looks impressive no matter how you deny it.

You're the one calling fanboy.

Thread premise: Microsoft says...

People respond: Yes

Do we have to add Killzone denial to our dictionary? And still even then I don't see the denial. Hell, I don't see the fanboyishness either.



Sorry that when something resonably positive for SONY and negative for Microsoft is discussed it's hard to swallow.  And I too think that the 360 is capable to setting graphics better that K2, but that goes for both the 360 and PS3.  It's just that since even Microsoft admits that Killzone 2 looks terrific, the 360 fanboy (and I NEVER referred to the legit gamers who favor the 360) had to attempt to derail the positive graphical Killzone 2 comment by shfting focusing to 360 profitability, multi-player, and the claim that Microsoft is more looking out for the "true gamer."  As much as 360 fanboys like to claim that Microsoft is a class act over SONY (and they can be), they need to take a page from that logic by treating Microsoft's comment on regards to Killzone 2 equally while not trying to derail it because it is positive.


Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

i hope it's true. I just want them to secure an exclusive from capcom. these guys know how to push hardware.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

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@Werekittin: Yes the Xbox 360 implementation is different to direct 3d 11 and its similar to how the SPEs function in this respect. I can't remember the full details off hand however.

The tessellation function isn't a magic bullet, but the moderate performance improvement it promises is pretty significant in this context where we are comparing two fairly balanced systems.


DMeisterJ said:
Microsoft's own version of 'Wait for ...'




Alan Wake, Forza 3, and maybe Mass Effect 2 could look amazing, also LOL at people saying uncharted 2 will be better looking than KZ2 no way in hell, uncharted has the most over rated graphics ever.

Max King of the Wild said:
where are all the hate posts about how arrogant pr guys are... oh wait...

This is M$ PR, remember. They do nothing wrong

/sarcasm off


here we go again, this is expected -.-