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Forums - General Discussion - What is your favorite beer?

Guinnes FTW.


"Jesus" created some sort of wine at some sort of wedding I hear.  So the guy was a drug dealer.  Sorry, couldn't resist.

Don't drink and drive kids. 

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Stone, New Castle, Fat Tire, Sierra So good.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

Sierra Nevada, Fat Tire, Guinness, Old Speckled Hen, Boddingtons, Samuel Adams (original brew).... I could go on all day but if I'm drinking, I'm usually drinking one of those.

PS. If you don't agree with drinking and don't like talking about it, stay out of the f***ing thread. Don't throw your morality at us, we don't want to hear it.

Or check out my new webcomic:

El Duderino said:
leo-j said:

My teachers tell me it all the time. 

They sure as hell aren´t teaching you any grammer.

JK, sorry that was a bit harsh, just my evil humor, I´m no wiz at enghlish eather (I google every second word I write), your teachers probably only want the best for you but IMO it´s better to teach responsibility and to show that things aren´t always only good or bad, life is complicated and there is no easy way around it.


Yes I have bad grammar... Im not paying attention at all since I am currently typing pretty quick kid.

To respond to your response, then basicly you know beer is bad for you and you just dont care because it taste or feels good?


rocketpig said:
Sierra Nevada, Fat Tire, Guinness, Old Speckled Hen, Boddingtons, Samuel Adams (original brew).... I could go on all day but if I'm drinking, I'm usually drinking one of those.

PS. If you don't agree with drinking and don't like talking about it, stay out of the f***ing thread. Don't throw your morality at us, we don't want to hear it.

Thank you. Why the hell is this kid preaching to us?


Videogames are bad for you. Stop playing them. Jack Thompson told me so. Shame on you people for playing them.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

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Beer contains alcohol. Alcohol is classified as a depressant. Depressants are one kind of psychotropic substance.

Psychotropics contain chemical substances that act on your central nervous system, altering brain functions and causing temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.

It's a drug alright, just like nicotine and crack cocaine. Although they affect you in different ways and in different degrees, drugs they are. Alcohol just happens to be legal in most countries. And just because it's legal doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you (cigarette, anyone?).

Speaking of alcohol, I assume since most of you drink it, you know what it really is. Well, if you've ever read "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (Carl Sagan/ Anne Druyan), you would most certainly know, and I quote:

[the product of fermentation] - a biochemical imperfection exploited by the beer, wine, and liquor industries, which profitably manufacture this addictive and dangerous drug, C2H5OH [ethanol]. Millions of people worldwide die from imbibing it each year. Or, looked at another way, distillers have been exploited by the fermenting bacteria and yeast, who have gotten us to arrange for their growth and reproduction on a worldwide, industrial scale -- because we love to drink ourselves senseless on microbial wastes. If they could speak, perhaps they would boast about how cleverly they've domesticated the humans.

So there you go. It kind of puts things in perspective when you know humankind has erected vast industries and invested immense resources to create ideal breeding grounds for the lowly bacteria, just so we can continue consuming what is really nothing more than shit.

Oh, and the best beer? Hoegaarden. No debate, nor is it open to interpretation. It's like having children - you don't know what it's like until you've had one.

The Belgium Pink Elephant beers and Guiness for me...

leo-j said:
El Duderino said:
leo-j said:

My teachers tell me it all the time.

They sure as hell aren´t teaching you any grammer.

JK, sorry that was a bit harsh, just my evil humor, I´m no wiz at enghlish eather (I google every second word I write), your teachers probably only want the best for you but IMO it´s better to teach responsibility and to show that things aren´t always only good or bad, life is complicated and there is no easy way around it.


Yes I have bad grammar... Im not paying attention at all since I am currently typing pretty quick kid.

To respond to your response, then basicly you know beer is bad for you and you just dont care because it taste or feels good?

No I do not think beer is bad for me, I think beer can do good and bad things for me, depending on the amout and frequency of beer I consume. Ask any doctor, most every medicine you can take is a poison whe overdosed or taken to long. Same for beer, if I drink one bottle of beer in the evening its healthy. If I drink six bottles of beer every evening I poison my body. If I drink six bottles at the weekend and then stop my body can work of the alcohol and I´m fine.

I think beer is good, as long as you are resposible.



Tastes good.

Gets you drunk.


Makes women more attractive. (What a bummer) 




nine0nine said:
i just realised how many typos i made in my first post, and no, i wasnt drunk :)

leo-j, we all know beer isnt good for you, but then alot of things arnt, im sure if you ask an optician he will say you shouldnt sit playing videogames for extended periods. Life would be pretty damn boring if you never do 'bad' things. Drinking beers isnt just about drinking beers, its about socialising, relaxing and having a good time with friends.

The biggest killer in the world is stress, having a beer on a weekend with friends is probably the most common stress relief in the world.

That would be a pretty bad optician then as any good one knows that videogames actually help your eyesight.  The "vision going bad" thing is really just a myth.  Playing videogames just adds to you "eye fatigue" which will be cleared up once you get some sleep.  Working out muscles actually helps them.

Drinking regularly is stupid, but then again it shoudlnt' be societys job to save people from doing idiotic things.  People should be aloud to make all the mistakes they want to.  It isn't likely to kill you, neither are cigarettes or a lot of the "softer" drugs.  They do have some pretty nasty effects that are more annoying then anything else though.  Not to mention all the money you waste... jeez.

When I drink beer i tend to go for Guiness or MGD just because it's what i always get with my dad.  I'm more likely to head straight for the liquir when i feel like a drink.  If I want to get drunk I don't see the point in half assing it and a whisky and coke works as well as a beer for sitting and talking with friends and tastes a heck of a lot better.


Tastes good.

Gets you drunk.


Makes women more attractive. (What a bummer)

well put duderino, and yes beer goggles are a huge bummer >_< 

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.