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nine0nine said:
i just realised how many typos i made in my first post, and no, i wasnt drunk :)

leo-j, we all know beer isnt good for you, but then alot of things arnt, im sure if you ask an optician he will say you shouldnt sit playing videogames for extended periods. Life would be pretty damn boring if you never do 'bad' things. Drinking beers isnt just about drinking beers, its about socialising, relaxing and having a good time with friends.

The biggest killer in the world is stress, having a beer on a weekend with friends is probably the most common stress relief in the world.

That would be a pretty bad optician then as any good one knows that videogames actually help your eyesight.  The "vision going bad" thing is really just a myth.  Playing videogames just adds to you "eye fatigue" which will be cleared up once you get some sleep.  Working out muscles actually helps them.

Drinking regularly is stupid, but then again it shoudlnt' be societys job to save people from doing idiotic things.  People should be aloud to make all the mistakes they want to.  It isn't likely to kill you, neither are cigarettes or a lot of the "softer" drugs.  They do have some pretty nasty effects that are more annoying then anything else though.  Not to mention all the money you waste... jeez.

When I drink beer i tend to go for Guiness or MGD just because it's what i always get with my dad.  I'm more likely to head straight for the liquir when i feel like a drink.  If I want to get drunk I don't see the point in half assing it and a whisky and coke works as well as a beer for sitting and talking with friends and tastes a heck of a lot better.