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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Wii exclusive SKYSCRAPER announced, looks incredible!! said:
this is from midas.

I believe it. Everything they touch seems to turn to comedy gold.


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r they serious w/ the hair....?

actually that first pic didn't really look too bad. either that or i'm trying too hard

Sorry, but PS1 graphics dont cut it this day of age.

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

YESSS!comedy cold

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Looks pretty good for a Nintendo.....64 game. I'd buy that cartridge.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

blunty51 said:
actually that first pic didn't really look too bad. either that or i'm trying too hard

Yeah it's really life-like, all the kids now cut their hair like that.


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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

stof said:
Key Features:

20 floors of intense survival situations and varied objectives. Numerous missions include gun combat, bomb making, puzzle solving and many other challenges.

1. Learn how to mix up chemicals to create bombs and how to use a gun as a first timer.

Realistic weapons, which advance in style and power with every accomplished level.

Hack the building’s security systems to keep yourself hidden from the terrorists and buy yourself crucial extra time.

2. Gather medical kits to nullify the effects of your illness, essential in order to complete each mission.

3. Storyline follows realistic terrorist attack scenarios, but good could prevail if you succeed in your tasks.

A unique mixture of “FPS” and “strategy” plot that creates an exhilarating new challenge.

I like that you can "Gather medical kits to nullify the effects of your illness" You can find health kits to help you? Damn!

1. Ok are fighing terrorists.... but you are making bombs.....  >_<

2. MedPaks....... really?.... that one of the unique features of the game that will make me wanna buy it?

3. So.... if you beat the win? AWESUM!


Downloading the torrent on Day 1!!!

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Sky Crapper Confirmed!