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Anyone else really enjoying it? I have been taking my time (crawling through more alla MGS4 than the run and gun method) and that has added to the atmosphere. The scare factor is not as high as the original but it still carries a heavy aura of creepiness.


Anyone else have a favorable opinion?


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to be honest i have not played the game that much, i had about 20-30 mins of it at e mates 360 version that it. all i can say is i didnt like it.

N all the feed back i get from this game has all been negative but if you enjoy it then you go boy

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

I actually liked it that it's not as scary as FEAR. I've completed it a few days ago and it's a pretty good game.
It features one of the longest FPS singleplayer modes I've played in a long time. However I was a bit dissapointed with the last level.

My score: 8.75/10

i thought it was good. One of the better shooters in the last while. I give it an 8.5/10 not as good as fear 1 but good none the less

Long Live SHIO!

Any use for the prototype weapon snake fist gives you when you finally find him? I am guessing it works similar to shock charges and such. I am wondering if it is just eating up one of my weapon slots.

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I played the demo but i didn't like it that much, the enemies seem dumber than in the first one. Or is it just me? Or is it only in the demo? Also is the full game better than the demo? :P

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Kratos said:
I played the demo but i didn't like it that much, the enemies seem dumber than in the first one. Or is it just me? Or is it only in the demo? Also is the full game better than the demo? :P

Enemies are dumbed down if you dont play on Hard. On Hard its perfect.

Otherwise I loved the single player. The ending is great and a first for videogames.

Spoiler: Never gotten humped by a corpse before.

The only complaint is that its not as scary as the first, or comdened series...but the gun fights are best in the business.

Multiplayer is meh too.


Hope to see part 3 soon to finish the story... 

Kratos said:
I played the demo but i didn't like it that much, the enemies seem dumber than in the first one. Or is it just me? Or is it only in the demo? Also is the full game better than the demo? :P


 The full game was better than the demo. The demo was a couple of chopped up parts from the game.


The enemies did seem "dumber" when I first started playing it (compared to F.E.A.R.). For some reason, at later stages they seem to have wised up a bit. I had one guy I missed on a level last night turn on an electrical box that I had just used to shock 4 of his buddies after I jumped down to pick up their weapons. They also started noticing my flashlight (which they had not earlier in the game) and setting up cover and flanking positions.

disolitude said:
Kratos said:
I played the demo but i didn't like it that much, the enemies seem dumber than in the first one. Or is it just me? Or is it only in the demo? Also is the full game better than the demo? :P

Enemies are dumbed down if you dont play on Hard. On Hard its perfect.

Otherwise I loved the single player. The ending is great and a first for videogames.

Spoiler: Never gotten humped by a corpse before.

The only complaint is that its not as scary as the first, or comdened series...but the gun fights are best in the business.

Multiplayer is meh too.


Hope to see part 3 soon to finish the story... 

Hmm, guess i'll go try it on hard then, because was awesome in the first one. Also not as creepy as the first one? That sucks. Well as long as i get to see alma in my face i'm satisfied :D.

Also as anyone ever noticed that alma is actually kinda hot :P lol


PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                


If you find her will enjoy the ending very much ;)

the game is still creepy just not really scary anymore...being a dude who slows down time and has mechs at his disposal kinda makes the experience less tense as...silent hill 2 lets say...whre you can't even walk in a straight line.

Lots of "BOO!" scares but not overall scary if you know what I mean...