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At some point I can guarantee I will give this game a full playthrough, but I have to play through F.E.A.R. first.

Would I need to play the expansion too or can I just skip that entirely?

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Euphoria14 said:
At some point I can guarantee I will give this game a full playthrough, but I have to play through F.E.A.R. first.

Would I need to play the expansion too or can I just skip that entirely?


 I just played the origional on the 360. Not sure if the expansion really added much other than weapons and such.

I believe the PS3 version has expansion stuff included, or you can snag the 360 version F.E.A.R. files to get them.

I have read that the best version is on the PC, but I only played it on the console.

^ I doubt my laptop would handle it, so I will need to go with console.

May pick up the 360 version though for some the achievements.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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I like the way they did the combat achievements on the 360. You can actually track them (ex Pin 10 enemies to the wall using the Hammerhead 4/10 ect...)

I find myself checking different weapon achievements before I run through a level or if I find a new gun. Then I will try to set myself up in a situation to finish it off.

Back to my earlier question: Is there a good use for the prototype weapon that shoots the big slow moving blue blob you get from Snake Fist? I shot it a couple of times and either A) I missed due to a cover issue, couldn't really tell B) Didn't seem to do anything to regular troops.

disolitude said:
Kratos said:
disolitude said:


If you find her will enjoy the ending very much ;)

the game is still creepy just not really scary anymore...being a dude who slows down time and has mechs at his disposal kinda makes the experience less tense as...silent hill 2 lets say...whre you can't even walk in a straight line.

Lots of "BOO!" scares but not overall scary if you know what I mean...


 That's a bummer, cuz i really liked the first one (just finished it for the first time). Espcially adult alma walking slowy towards you near the end :D. I was wasting all my bullets right there :P. Also does point-man get mentioned in the second game, or do i need to see for myself?


Yeah, there are lots of refferences to the first game. Point-man being the dude you play with in part 1? her son? If so then, yeah he has a place in the story of part 2. There are documents scatered all over part 2, jsut like phone messages in part 1. ITs advised you read those because they are pretty interesting and some are really funny.

All in all, the story ties in very nicely. A lot of people are finding the ending kinda sudden but it makes sense...and comes together long as you are ok with accepting that there will be part 3 :)


 Awesome, thanks for the hyping up :D. At first i was a little dissappointed with FEAR 2. But thnks to you i''m excited again :D I'm defintely gonna get this game. Good to know guy from first one returns a bit in story. Because i was really surprised about him being her son. DAMNN IT i need to get some money, luckily is cheap :D

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Around the Network
shock182 said:
I like the way they did the combat achievements on the 360. You can actually track them (ex Pin 10 enemies to the wall using the Hammerhead 4/10 ect...)

I find myself checking different weapon achievements before I run through a level or if I find a new gun. Then I will try to set myself up in a situation to finish it off.

Back to my earlier question: Is there a good use for the prototype weapon that shoots the big slow moving blue blob you get from Snake Fist? I shot it a couple of times and either A) I missed due to a cover issue, couldn't really tell B) Didn't seem to do anything to regular troops.

That prototype is great for hallways and other levels where there are lots of enemies on screen. you don't have to hit anything with it, one shot kills everything in the 10 meter radius. Use it for those assholes with nail guns and tough armor and don't spare firing it as the game only gives it to you 2-3 there is no point of carrying it in your inventory. 


Euphoria14 said:
At some point I can guarantee I will give this game a full playthrough, but I have to play through F.E.A.R. first.

Would I need to play the expansion too or can I just skip that entirely?

Expansion is completely forgotten by FEAR 2. You don't need to play them. I suggest playing the first one for fun if you get it cheap...but avoid the second one at all cost. It sucks...


Kratos said:
disolitude said:
Kratos said:
disolitude said:


If you find her will enjoy the ending very much ;)

the game is still creepy just not really scary anymore...being a dude who slows down time and has mechs at his disposal kinda makes the experience less tense as...silent hill 2 lets say...whre you can't even walk in a straight line.

Lots of "BOO!" scares but not overall scary if you know what I mean...


 That's a bummer, cuz i really liked the first one (just finished it for the first time). Espcially adult alma walking slowy towards you near the end :D. I was wasting all my bullets right there :P. Also does point-man get mentioned in the second game, or do i need to see for myself?


Yeah, there are lots of refferences to the first game. Point-man being the dude you play with in part 1? her son? If so then, yeah he has a place in the story of part 2. There are documents scatered all over part 2, jsut like phone messages in part 1. ITs advised you read those because they are pretty interesting and some are really funny.

All in all, the story ties in very nicely. A lot of people are finding the ending kinda sudden but it makes sense...and comes together long as you are ok with accepting that there will be part 3 :)


 Awesome, thanks for the hyping up :D. At first i was a little dissappointed with FEAR 2. But thnks to you i''m excited again :D I'm defintely gonna get this game. Good to know guy from first one returns a bit in story. Because i was really surprised about him being her son. DAMNN IT i need to get some money, luckily is cheap :D

The ending of this one completely revolves around that aspect... There are things (like your friends going nuts on you and being all confused about what they are doing) that you won't get when you start playing but the ending explains why. Survival of the fittest...passing the seed...etc :)

I suggest renting it if you're short on money. You may play it twice through, but unless you are gonn play the multiplayer it should be all done with in a week or so of playing 2 hours a day...


disolitude said:
Kratos said:
disolitude said:
Kratos said:
disolitude said:


If you find her will enjoy the ending very much ;)

the game is still creepy just not really scary anymore...being a dude who slows down time and has mechs at his disposal kinda makes the experience less tense as...silent hill 2 lets say...whre you can't even walk in a straight line.

Lots of "BOO!" scares but not overall scary if you know what I mean...


 That's a bummer, cuz i really liked the first one (just finished it for the first time). Espcially adult alma walking slowy towards you near the end :D. I was wasting all my bullets right there :P. Also does point-man get mentioned in the second game, or do i need to see for myself?


Yeah, there are lots of refferences to the first game. Point-man being the dude you play with in part 1? her son? If so then, yeah he has a place in the story of part 2. There are documents scatered all over part 2, jsut like phone messages in part 1. ITs advised you read those because they are pretty interesting and some are really funny.

All in all, the story ties in very nicely. A lot of people are finding the ending kinda sudden but it makes sense...and comes together long as you are ok with accepting that there will be part 3 :)


 Awesome, thanks for the hyping up :D. At first i was a little dissappointed with FEAR 2. But thnks to you i''m excited again :D I'm defintely gonna get this game. Good to know guy from first one returns a bit in story. Because i was really surprised about him being her son. DAMNN IT i need to get some money, luckily is cheap :D

The ending of this one completely revolves around that aspect... There are things (like your friends going nuts on you and being all confused about what they are doing) that you won't get when you start playing but the ending explains why. Survival of the fittest...passing the seed...etc :)

I suggest renting it if you're short on money. You may play it twice through, but unless you are gonn play the multiplayer it should be all done with in a week or so of playing 2 hours a day...


That's why i buy my games at the newest games are insanely cheap there, little big planet 25 euro's including shipping cost. I don't know if they send to US, but they do send to Holland :D. killzone also cheap :D. Its just awesome.

Fear 2 ps3 = £27.96 Thats good, shipping cost would probably be like 3 pounds to holland :D


PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                


Yeah, I buy all my stuff from in Canada. FEAr 2 was 47 canadian dollars with shipping and tax. About 39 US dollars. In store Fear 2 is 60 bucks plus 13% 70. Savings of over 20 bucks...